Chapter 5

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When my eyes opened again, sunlight was slanting in through the window and curtain that had a rose-like patterned. I didn't feel any pain and I only felt warmth. I lifted my arm up to find all the wounds had healed overnight. How the heck did these wounds heal overnight? Oh gods...I better not be a vampire! If I am a vampire, Zack and his pack will surely kill me. I need to leave before they realize I'm not injured anymore.

I sat up as slowly as possible before glancing around the room. The dresser was across from me, but a set of clothes sat on the chair on my left. The window was to my right and it was big enough that I could squeeze myself though. I guess I'm taking these clothes and leaving then.

As my hand reached for the clothes, the scent of delicious chocolate pancakes touched my nose. I have never smelled something so delicious before. Not even when my mother made chocolate pancakes for me. I want them so badly, but I can't stay. I must leave to stop them from killing me for what I've become.

I quickly slipped into the light gray shirt and dark gray pants before looking at the desk that sat next to the door. I quickly rushed over to the desk and grabbed a sheet of paper. My eyes immediately locked with a pencil, and I began to write quickly.

Dear Zack,

I'm so sorry, but I must go. It's no longer safe for me. Don't worry about me or come find me. I'll be fine on my own, I promise. The vampires won't come looking for me, I think, but I can protect myself if they do return. I'm so sorry.



Your friend

I folded the letter and then placed it neatly on the seat. I took a deep breath and climbed through the window just as I heard someone walking down the hall. My eyes widened in fear and my feet immediately took me forward. The wind rushed around me as if I had become faster than I once was.

I was nearly towards the forest when I felt this overwhelming sense that someone was watching. I stopped at the foot of the trees and glanced back to see someone staring out at me from the room I was in. I stared back for a few seconds before taking off again.

The forest smelled and sounded so alive that I felt connected to the whole forest. The wind. The earth. The trees. Each chirping melody. I felt connected to them all. I felt alive. As I rounded a tree, I caught sight of a beautiful stag. Its head was held high, and its ears perked up. Deer and Fawns were surrounding the stag and grazing, playing even. The stag looked over at me as I stopped at the edge of the shadows. Its nose twitched and as if on some unspoken command, the stag, deer, and fawns all burst into action. Their strategic scattering left me feeling alone, but excited at the same time.

As I burst forward, a howl all too familiar echoed across the forest. My eyes widened and I forced my feet to move faster. I could smell the scent of what I once was, human. I ran towards it wishing this was all I terrible nightmare that I was dreaming. That I'd wake back in my old home and go to my old school. No ludicrous mythological beings or pain, but rather my old friends and my old life. Though somewhere in the back in my mind, I knew this was real. I really was part of a mythical life unknown to humans. I was unable to return now.

As the forest thinned, I leaped over the fence only to roll into the middle of the road. A car honked and tires skidding across the asphalt. My head immediately turned to look at the car before I took off again farther towards the place I once belonged. As I ran six howls echoed from the forest and I glanced back to see all seven wolves that I knew as Zack, Austin, Emily, Levy, Maria, Sam, and Joshua staring at me.

I turned away and ran towards the houses that I could see. I felt as if knew where I was going, so I trusted my gut instincts and ran over to the brick wall. I scanned the wall only to find no leverage for me to climb over. I leaped for the top of the wall and was shocked when I touched the top of the wall. My hands held onto it, and I pulled myself up with muscles I didn't realize I had. I glanced back to see none of them following me.

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