Chapter Two

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"Gavriel killed his brother, accident or not. His punishment is not even a punishment. He lied, he deceived and he manipulated to keep it a secret. He has simply been let off the hook because he is the only one that Lord Kier can see being the leader he wants to leave behind. How would your Lord react to that news?" Hunter asks, a muscle jumping in his cheek.

"He is not a Lord. He would not react well and if you wish to tell that story I suggest you run back to the family you grew up with." Orion replies, his voice calm. "He does not need to know. As long as the Ricell lands are peaceful then he can be satisfied with what we decide to tell him. Give me your word Hunter that you will keep quiet."

"I would rather forget this whole ordeal. You have my word."

Ross meets Orion's eyes and presses his lips together. Their peaceful journey home now seems to be out of reach. The half-brothers are too similar and no doubt will rub each other up the wrong way. Ross knows it will be up to Orion whether they argue and fight until they arrive at their destination or whether he relaxes and lets a few things slide. Their group is used to following orders from him but it is clear to see that Hunter rejects orders from one he barely knows.

"I believe Lord Kier is sending over his best in terms of beasts and is also sending goods and gold. That will ease his worries concerning Logan's trial." Jacqui adds bringing the conversation back onto slightly safer ground.

"I doubt he will send his best but I do not believe the Usani brothers would particularly need his finest beasts. Your lands and stables are well filled are they not?" Ross questions Hunter who frowns.

"Wolfe's stables and lands are well filled, yes. I hold no authority or ownership over them." Hunter replies, tone back to being controlled and calm.

Orion rises to his feet. "We have wasted enough time this morning. Get the horses ready and we shall depart." He orders and the group immediately disperses and carries out their part in packing up and preparing for the day's journey. Orion bites his lip and watches as Hunter returns to his horse and softly pats him on the shoulder. He had hid his surprise well this morning when he had seen Hunter coming on his horse. Despite his calculated and observant speech the last time they had met he had not believed he had gotten to his younger sibling. It seems the skill of appearing unaffected runs in their genetics.

He makes his way over to him and offers his palm out for Hunter's horse to smell. The horse exhales on his hand and snorts. A small smile tweaks Hunter's lips. "Your friends do not seem to be overly friendly." Hunter comments without any emotion leaking into his tone. "Although I did not exactly expect you to have friends."

"We have all known each other for many years. We have grown too comfortable. Your presence should liven us up. Give it time, they will accept you."

"How long have you known that I existed?" Orion blinks at Hunter's sudden question. It was not one he expected and yet he should of. They were both adults now and had only met a few months ago. Hunter knows little of his mother's side of the family, he having remained with his father and his family. Hunter had no knowledge that his mother had other children besides him.

"Five years or so. When I saw you in the Ricell lands I knew immediately who you were." Orion goes to say something further but Hunter swings himself up into the saddle and looks down upon him.

"You are wasting time. Your friends are already ready to go." He nods his head over in their direction and they are indeed all sat atop their horses, everything packed away into saddle bags on the horses' sides. "I believe we have months ahead where we can speak." Hunter continues seeing the slightly conflicted look on Orion's face. Orion blinks once and then makes his way over to his dappled grey steed. He swings himself up.

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