Chapter Three

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Hunter riding closely behind finds his mind tuning back into the conversation when he hears mention of Dawn and Gavriel. Before now he had not known that they were to be married. He is tempted to catch the attention of the twins and ask them for information but he stops himself. The girl he met was resourceful; if she truly did not wish to marry him then she will find a way to escape. If she does not, then Hunter is sure she will survive. Hers is a spirit that cannot and will not be defeated.

"I agree with Jacqui," Orion says quietly, nodding at her briefly, "She will survive and Gavriel has real, genuine affection for her. She will be well protected from all. He will not allow harm to befall her. I am sure in a few years we will see two new rulers for the Ricell lands that have balanced one another out."

That ends the subject much to Hunter's amazement. He allows his mind to zone out once again. A small part of his brain still operates and takes notice of what is going on around him but the rest is given much needed rest. For many months Hunter had been unable to let it do so. Being on the run and constantly watching his back has run him dry and tiredness is taking over his brain. He could have allowed it to rest before but that meant leaving his brother unprotected for a length of time. Hunter had not been prepared to do that. Logan had watched over him growing up and he had to return the favour.

A throat clearing loudly snaps Hunter out of his reverie. He glances to his side and frowns. Last time he had checked he had been behind Zandar and his horse had been content to sit there. Now Zandar and his chestnut horse were riding alongside him. Hunter looks forward and sees that there is a gap now in the formation. His horse had not sped up; Zandar had merely slowed his down.

"Is there a reason you disturbed my peace?" Hunter asks, unable to keep his irritation from being displayed within his tone. Zandar smiles lightly and gently rubs his horse's withers. Hunter sighs and tries to relax once more into his reverie.

"If you do not wish to be amongst us, I suggest you turn back now." He comments lowly, purposely to keep Orion from hearing his words. "You speak about peace, unless you are willing to be less defensive then you will disturb it for all of us."

"I apologise." Hunter replies, if only to stop the man speaking. "I am not here to become one of you. Orion may have invited me to do so but I have no wish to. I am here to meet my mother and that is all. I will keep to myself; I will not bother your precious peace."

Zandar frowns but accepts his words and nudges his horse forward once again into formation. Orion glances back and meets Hunter's eyes. They do not hold each other's gaze as Hunter breaks it immediately to look out across the landscape. Orion then looks to Zandar who also fails to meet his eyes let alone hold it. Hunter glances ahead again and raises his brows at Orion twisted around in his saddle.

Orion says a few quick words to Ross who nods glancing back for barely a second. Orion then turns his horse and rides back to Hunter. He slots in beside him and slows his horse down. He gestures for Hunter to do the same. Hunter lightly pulls back on his reins and with a toss of the head the horse slows significantly. Soon a gap has formed between the two of them and the rest of the group. Enough of space to hold a conversation without having to whisper and without being overheard by the others.

"Did your father tell you anything about our mother?" Orion's voice sounds strangled on the last words. Hunter's shoulders tighten and visibly stiffen. Neither of them find this easy. Previous conversation had always been the two warning each other and messing with one another's minds.

"My father never told me anything about her." He replies his tone remarkably even.

"But you knew that you had a different mother to your brothers." Orion checks. Hunter lets out a chuckle under his breath.

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