Chapter Forty Six

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Orion steps into the room and finds ten highly trained men and seven advisors around Prince Theodore. They abruptly stop conferring when he enters. Theodore, for the first time in a long time for Orion, actually looks tired and stressed. His usual gold locks have dulled to a dark blond. His mouth is grim and his eyes serious. He nods at Orion and gestures for him to come up to the large table. A large map spans the round table and a cluster of figures sit atop it nearby at a Lord's manor. Orion scans the men's faces and stops on one.

"I apologise Orion for interfering with your grieving period." Theodore starts. Orion sets his jaw shut to avoid responding. Heat simmers in the pit of his stomach. Not enough time has passed for him to be calm. Hunter's survival does not change the facts. "However I need your input and tactics in this meeting. Do you remember Roshi Grant?" Theodore beckons the man in question to step forward. It is the same man that Orion had paused on.

Roshi bows his head in respect.

"Sir Grant was captured by the rebels a month ago in the ambush. They were holding him hostage since his wounds were not fatal. He escaped two days ago and returned to warn us of an impending attack. We now know their location and are discussing the best way to proceed." Theodore continues. The men around him nod. Clearly there has been much discussion before Orion's entry.

"Were there any other hostages?" Orion finds himself asking and regrets doing so the moment he does. Roshi's mouth tightens and his eyes dart to the prince.

"I am disturbed to say that there were no other survivors." He answers but Orion hears the deceit in each word. One quick assessment of Theodore and he realises he is the only one to hear it. "I am sorry for the loss of your brother."

Orion nods and swallows down his anger again at the thought that because of Theodore that could have been the truth. "Have you decided upon a sneak attack or are you simply going to march in?" Orion asks looking down at the map with the building in question. His eyes scan the exterior walls and the different access routes.

"A group of thirty men will sneak into the grounds and get into location within. Then we will send in a number of men to assist and bring in the rebels. They will be cornered from all angles." A gruff man's voice explains. Orion's eyes flick to him. He points to the small stone building located in the grounds.

"I assume you are also sending men to this location. There is an underground tunnel that leads to it." Orion traces the map and points at what appears to be a bridge over a small stream. "You should also put men here. If I remember correctly there is a tunnel entrance just before it." The man nods in acknowledgement and confers quietly with his peers. Orion exhales slowly, red threatening at the edges of his vision. His hand itches to throw some knives.

"Orion." His head jolts up and Theodore frowns. Orion forces his expression into a less aggravated one. They step away from the table, Roshi following them. Theodore lowers his voice. "This is not an order; I want someone going to this hideout to watch over the operation. There are two people who must not be allowed to escape. Roshi can give you a description." Theodore pauses then says, "Do you think you are able?"

"I am with one request." Orion replies quickly. Theodore tilts his head in a listening pose. "My next assignments involve travel. This place has become bitter for me recently."

"If that is what you wish." Theodore agrees. He strides back to the table and confers with the men on the final plan.

Roshi takes out a rolled up piece of paper. He flattens it out and hands it to Orion. Two faces have been sketched on it. No doubt they are the two people that are not allowed to escape justice. "They appear to be the leaders of this group. They spoke of attacking the Prince himself soon." Roshi explains. He glances at the prince then whispers, "Your brother lives." He then coughs and straightens up.

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