Chapter Forty Seven

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Orion sneaks into the manor house along with the first team. He moves with stealth, appearing as a figureless dark shadow. Head to toe he is clothed in black with his face hidden behind the obsidian hood. His footsteps are carefully silent as he listens for signs of life around the corners and within the rooms. Each time he could be discovered he hides himself and watches as the enemy rebels stride past oblivious. He counts them, getting a better idea of the numbers within.

Most of them have been in groups of three so far and Orion forces himself to wait patiently. He could attack all three and leave only one conscious. However he would then have to dispose of the two bodies in order to not raise the alarm. They all carry weapons at their hips, or across their backs. Orion has no doubt they will hit the floor before they even reach for them but still he waits, creeping forward every now and again. Another set of three footsteps echo through the corridor and Orion dips down low into the shadows under a table.

"Madam Cecilia has received another letter. Everyone must be told to vacate the premises within the hour. The prisoners escaped and our window has grown smaller. We must act. Go and tell as many as you can." One man sharply orders to his two companions as they stride past.

Both listeners nod, "Yes sir," and the three part ways.

Orion unfolds himself from his hiding place and follows the man who gave the order. A evil smile lifts Orion's lips as he removes a long knife from within the folds of the dark fabric. He reaches out and grips the back of the man's neck. As expected the man reaches for his own weapon. He does not realise who he is up against. Orion's free hand has already removed those weapons and slung them behind him. The man pales when his hand touches empty space. Orion places his knife across the man's neck.

"You make any noise and I will slit your throat." He threatens. The man's neck bobs against the cold metal of the blade. Orion shoves him to the wall, releasing his neck. The man's eyes widen at the sight of the death inspiring figure. Orion cackles. "I can make you a deal. You have committed a treasonous act, an act punished by the noose." The man's knuckles whiten with how tight he presses his fingers into his palms. "It is a terrifying death. The rope is placed around your neck. Your footing is unsure. There is nothing you can do. Your hands are bound together attached to your waist. It tightens but your feet are still on the block. Your throat closes up."

The man gulps, Orion's cold words manipulating his fears.

"Then you see a shadow of the man who will end your life in one smooth kick. Panic blurs your vision. You try to think of anything other than the fact that suddenly you will not be able to breath. But it does not end when the block is removed. Those seconds where the air is trapped in your chest last forever. If you are lucky you break your neck. If you are not, your torture lasts a lifetime in a blink of an eye."

"You mentioned a deal!" The man yelps. Orion's mouth twisted into a wicked grin.

"Where are Madam Cecilia and the man that sticks to her side?" Orion asks. He sees the man hesitate and Orion loses some of his patience. "Are their lives worth more than yours? Are you willing to hang for two people who would quite happily let you take the fall for them?"

"No." The man answers strongly. Orion tilts his head, something in that word feels off. "I am loyal to them. I will not betray them. I will take the noose for this cause." Orion sighs heavily. The man has suddenly found his courage.

"Then I have no need of you." Orion tiredly says before he smashes the hilt of his blade down on the man's head. "No doubt you will wake with the noose around your neck." He drags the limp body and shoves it under the table he had previously been hiding under.

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