Chapter Twenty Three

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The conversation continues until a man runs out towards them. The group stop and wait for him to reach them. Theodore leans down and listens to the man's message. He nods and the man leaves. "I apologise, My Lady, there are matters that require my urgent attention."

"Of course. Thank you for accompanying us." Lady Arabella says gracefully.

Theodore takes her hand and applies a kiss to the back of it. "I hope you will do me the honour of reserving the first dance for me." Arabella smiles warmly and inclines her head in agreement. Theodore then rides back the way they came to drop his horse off at the stables.

Lady Arabella turns to her side, expecting to see Alice by her side still. The space is empty. She twists round to see Alice riding beside Hunter mouths moving but words so quiet they do not reach the Lady. He smiles and she feels her stomach knot despite it not being directed at her. He nods his head softly but then pulls a face at her next words. She appears to be teasing him and he shakes his head, mouth tweaking downwards. Alice then looks forward and sees that they are being watched. Her cheeks flush.

With her head slightly bowed she nudges her mare forward to once again ride beside her Lady.

"What were you discussing?" Arabella asks her. Alice glances back quickly to Hunter.

"Simply the ball that is coming up." The answer does not appease Arabella and she waits for more. "I was requesting that my brother escort me and help me not to embarrass myself on the first dance. He agreed to the first but claims he has two left feet, my Lady."

"I shall introduce you to someone appropriate for your first dance, Alice, you need not worry." Arabella says kindly.

Alice grins and shakes her hand, "As lovely an offer that is, I must decline. Orion will be watching me like a hawk. Only those who pass his tests first will be allowed such an honour of touching my hand." Alice laughs to finish. Arabella cannot contain the smile that springs to her face at Alice speaking of her oldest brother.

"Perhaps if I have time I will introduce some young men to your brother before your first dance." Arabella teases. "It is only a few days away now. I am looking forward to simply enjoying myself."

"That reminds me, My Lady, we must return. I was told you have Queen Lessons to attend for several hours this afternoon and we must make sure you are nourished beforehand." Alice politely tells her. Arabella holds in her sigh and inclines her head.

They are very near to a door leading into the castle that would get them to their rooms much quicker than if they were to take the horses back. Arabella beckons the two men forward, turning her horse around. "Would you mind taking our mares back to the stables? Alice and I shall return to my rooms."

"Alone?" Hunter asks and she raises her eyebrows, expecting to only hear the answer yes. "You and I both know that is not allowed." Zandar groans quietly at the lack of respect in Hunter's tone. He could have said it a much better way. Clearly speaking respectfully to the Crown Prince the first time was a onetime occurrence and is unlikely to happen again.

"And I recall telling you that I refuse to let anyone else dictate my life and that applies to your brother and you." Arabella sharply answers and a glint appears in Hunter's eyes at her less that ladylike tone. Alice puts her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggle.

"You are about to marry his Highness, I think you need to get used to your life being controlled." Hunter remarks; Zandar sucks in his breath, wincing dramatically. "My Lady." He adds on and Lady Arabella shakes her head, disbelief marring her beautiful features.

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