Chapter Fifty One

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"H...Orion!" Arisxandre exclaims as she opens the door. Hunter frowns at her when he realises that she should not be answering summons herself. A young maid hovers behind her, obviously having been unable to reach the door before the Lady. "What are you doing here?" Ari hisses, her voice harsh but her face concerned. Her eyes crinkle at the edges as she surveys him.

"Arisxandre! I see that being at court has not refined you. Returning home with me does seem to be for the best." A man's voice good naturedly speaks behind her, out of Hunter's sight.

Arisxandre's chin drops slightly but a smile lifts at her lips, tugging Hunter's heart along with it. She turns and speaks to the man out of sight. "You clearly have no idea of the challenge you have brought upon yourself!" She teases in return. The green eyed monster yanks at Hunter's nerves.

He clears his throat and Ari's gaze jumps back to him. "What are you doing here?" She again asks quietly. "You should be at home, resting! I do not know what you could possibly be thinking."

"Arisxandre." Ari turns to see her mother regarding the two of them. "Are you going to invite the young man in for a cup of tea or are you going to continue entertaining him in the doorway?"


"I would be honoured to take tea with you." Hunter's deeper and louder voice overrides her. Ari has to step out of the way in order for him to enter. She shoots daggers at his back while keeping a pretty smile on her lips. The man sat by the window stifles a laugh at the expression on her face. He nods at Hunter with an easy smile.

"You look awfully familiar!" He reveals. "I have seen you before, I am sure of it!"

"Philippe!" Ari shoots him a look. He grins and holds his hands up in surrender. "You speak about my refinement and yet you are ridiculously lacking in it."

"Arisxandre." Her mother admonishes quickly. Ari's mouth snaps shut. "That is no way to speak to my handsome young man." She pats Phillippe on the shoulder and he laughs, eyes twinkling in blue. "Introductions." She orders.

"Philippe, our infuriating..." he grins at her, "and treasured guest." She gestures at him. "Sir Orion North, the Prince's treasured and loyal warrior." She waves a hand in Hunter's direction, her brows drawn down in puzzlement. "Sir North, may I enquire as to why we have the privilege of your company?" She asks sweetly as she takes a seat by Philippe. He nudges her gently with his elbow.

"I am soon to be making a trip. I wished to say goodbye." Hunter answers. Ari's lips twitch upwards, her eyes softening.

"To our Ari?" Philippe asks. "May I ask of your connection with my girl?" His eyes sweep up and down Hunter. The stance is certainly one of a warrior but he notices the paleness in the face and the uneasiness in how he stands. If he is to guess, he will think that this man has been in the wars recently. He sees the man glance at Ari to see her reaction to the words. A protective instinct springs up within Philippe and he places an arm around Ari's shoulders.

Hunter shifts, partly regretting coming. "We..."

"Orion has escorted Lacy and I many places over the last few months. We have become quite familiar. It is only natural that he calls on me to alert me to his absence soon." Ari fills in before Hunter can. "I do appreciate you letting me know." She inclines her head to Hunter.

"Take a seat, young man." Her mother requests. "We do not stand on ceremony within these walls. Not one of us shall hold your status against you." Hunter sits down and the right side of his mouth lifts up as she hands him a cup of tea and a plate with a slice of cake. Ari giggles at the sight. Hunter almost smiles back but then he sees Philippe whisper something in her ear. She rolls her eyes but the giggles continue. "I was deeply troubled to hear of your brother's death. I am sure the Usani's share in your grief." The giggles abruptly stop.

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