Chapter III: Heart of the muzzle

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Saturday morning.

     Nick and Judy were going by car to the farm of her parents.

"Have you still anti-fox spray?"  Nick asked.

"Yes, even now, one of them is aimed at your face..."

He looked nervously around the car, Judy giggled, then Nick said:

"Sly Rabbit!"

"Dumb Fox." Judy said, eating a carrot.

They arrived in the parking, where a lot of Judy's siblings was waiting for them. Several of them began to touch Nick, one of them hugged his tail. They asked Nick a lot:

"What a bushy tail! It would be very soft pillow :D"

"Are you really a fox?"

"How long are your teeth?" 

"How many rabbits ate you in your life?"

"How tastes rabbit?"

Judy began to calm siblings but Nick grabbed her, leaned over and kissed her passionately. Then he replied:

"She tastes like a carrot juice."

It embarrassed Judy, she was flushed, the boys from siblings were abhorred but girls squealed with delight.

When Nick and Judy straightened up, they saw her shocked parents at the end of the parking. Bonnie dropped berries basket, and Stu faint for show. Nick scanned the acting, ran quickly to him and asked Judy leaning over Stu:

"How it was, Judy, 30 chest compressions and 2 ARTIFICIAL BREATHS?" 

Frightened Stu screamed:

"No, you don't have to!" - and immediately he straightened up.

Judy showed Nick to her parents. Bonnie was confused, and Stu shook Nick's hand so hard, that he gritted his teeth painfully. Then they began to walk around the farm, where Judy told her parents about the events since Nick cognition.

Fox said that Judy is perfect, just too emotional. Bonnie smiled and Stu still remained distrustful.

Parents without a word, entered the house, and Nick and Judy began to walk around the farm.
At home Stu went to the kitchen and started a conversation with Bonnie:

"I understand that foxes can fall in love but I won't forgive him such audacity! I will never agree, that my daughter will in love with the fox."

"Give him a chance, after all, you heard how much good things he had done for her."

"Foxes are dodgers, this one is a good actor, but will finish us all turn at the earliest opportunity. One of them had hurt her, his therapy is worth nothing, it's still a fox. He showed what we can expect from predators."

"But as you know very well, now predators cooperate and help." 

"Eh ... maybe but it's my daughter, I just want the best for her..." - Stu sighed after a moment of reflection.

"I want it too Mr. Hopps..."  Nick said, standing in the doorway of kitchen.

"What are you here..."  Mr. Hopps exclaimed .

"I love your daughter over my life and ask only for a chance, I promise that I won't fail!" 

"I ... She ... Bonnie could you leave us alone?"  Stu asked.

"Are you sure?"  Bonnie said.

Stu furrowed his eyebrows menacingly.

"Okay, darling..."  doe added.

She went out and after a moment of awkward silence, Stu began talking:

"I've heard how much have you done for her, but still I don't know you, so how can I check your trust?"

"I told you what I feel for Judy, even with threating me, I won't deny it!"

Stu thought a moment, softened, looked at Nick and added:

"Look at the wall,"  he pointed a hanging long rifle "you'll get your chance. I don't want now to threaten you with anything, but you should know, that if you once will cause tears of my daughter, your skin will be my biggest trophy on the wall..."

Nick was scared a bit, but swallowed, approached Stu and said, giving him a hand to the agreement:

"Thank you, Mr. Hopps!"

After a warm and strong handshake, Nick went out. Bonnie entered the kitchen, looked to the shotgun, then to Stu and nodded with a barely visible smile. Also, Stu smiled sluggishly too.

After leaving the house, Nick started to look for Judy, as she jumped out of the bushes at the door and gave him a hug with all his strength. Nick stood totally surprised and said with last breath of the air:

"I thought you went to talk to your siblings..." 

At this Judy replied:

"I am so proud of you my sly fox!"

And she kissed him, holding in hand a carrot-recorder.  

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