Chapter X: Solution

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     Greg found himself in a large, bright, almost unlimited space. Facing him appeared in the spectrum, which took the form of Alex toppled him and clung to the floor:

"And what do you need to be? You were always soft, if you immediately said what you saw, nothing that would have happened!"


"You ruined someone else's relationship only for your happiness!"

"That's not true!"

"You'll never be worthy of Jade, just finished a miserable traitor fruit and you will not achieve anything. Will remain nothing with your shyness!"

So what, Greg shouted:

"Never again!" and he threw the black leopard for a few meters, then spectrum scattered.

Greg sat down and once again fell resigned on his back, then he heard a voice:

"My dear grandson, what are you doing?"

"Grandpa?" - Greg asked when he saw another specter, this time with gold repair tools and added:

"But there's nothing I can do, and I just wanted for our a bit happiness..."

Then grandfather lynx leaned over him:

"So take your chance for happiness, son..."  and he held out his hand toward Greg.

Greg felt strong hit on the chest.

Meanwhile, at the hospital bed, Nick and Judy hugged saddened and distraught Jade in helpless anger shouted to lying lynx:

"Why? Now we could be together!"

And hit Greg both fists with full force in the chest. The screen cardiograph showed a single signal.

Shocked Greg asked his grandfather:

"How... How is it? Why did you hit me?"

"It's not spanking... but if you feel pain, you have to treat it as a transition, your friends are waiting for you. In a moment you will understand my grandson, remember to remain responsible..." - said with a smile grandfather lynx.

Then Greg felt another blow and heard the fading voice:

"Take your chance..."

Meanwhile, Judy saw the signal on the cardiograph and shouted:

"Jade, resuscitation! 30 chest compressions!"

So Jade began in a flash restoring his heart, pulse Greg gradually increased after successive compressions of the chest, then fell when she performed two resuscitation breaths. Launched the second series of tribulations in the middle of the pulse, Greg returned to normal, but she didn't notice because busy of resuscitation. When the series ended and Jade intended to perform artificial breathing, Greg opened his eyes, raised his healthy hand up, hugged Jade and kissed her passionately. With a barely audible voice said:

"Thank you for everything. I must tell you now that I love you, because I don't want to lose another chance."

"Promise, that you'll never more play superhero!"

"I promise my love..." - and he kissed her once again.

After that he asked Nick:

"Could you bring me the large bag?" 

When Nick brought it, Greg pulled out a box and handed it to Jade. She opened it: it was the amulet with the fish, who dreamed cheetah standing before the site of jeweler. He added:

"It's for a good start..."

To which Judy sighed delighted. Surprised Nick, pulled out box from his pocket, knelt in front of Judy and said:

"I know this is not the right time, place and in all circumstances, but I also do not want to waste my chance too. Do you, Judy Hopps want to spend the rest of your life with me?"

The little box began to song "Try everything" and opened up. Judy saw a gold ring engraved with the carrots on top, then he said with bored voice:

"Sly fox, why do you think that I should agree?" 

Then a quick movement she pulled out the phone, made the image to shocked three animals and added:

"Of course Yes, I love you too, Nickolas Wilde!" 

I kissed him with applause smiled Jade.

Two months later:

Nick and Judy met again before the altar. Jade was the bridesmaid and Greg the best man for bride and groom. To the delight of parents of the bride and groom, as well as the whole of the current police station, including weeping Clauhauser, Nick and Judy said a major "Yes" and drove off to his new home.

The day after the wedding Greg and Jade went to the police station. Lynx put the head on the desk glass of grapefruit juice and Bogo said:

"I heard that you need someone on the technical background?" 

Then boss of the police led him to a large room under the building, collapsed wrecks and a lot of broken things from the police station. He asked Greg:

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Now my biggest problem will be finding animals willing to test new prototypes..."
 Greg said dreamily.


"You'll see the boss, but first I'll make order here..."

Then he hung on the wall at the entrance a photo of the kissing 2 pairs onthe wedding: Nick and Judy and Jade and Greg ...

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