Chapter IX: Darkness

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Late evening.

     A police car drove up the street shady, near the address which gave Greg. The building was 20-floor tower densely surrounded on all sides by trees. They saw Jade entering the tower and a weasel with a cloth opening its doors, the same that captivated Greg's trolley. At the sight of this Greg said Nick he recognized that thief. He wore a small backpack and said:

"You have my walkie-talkie, I will come to the tower thanks the ventilation duct."

"Wait!" Judy yelled. 

But Greg was already halfway to the tower. Nick started to call the police support.

Lynx ran from tree to tree, and when approached from the rear of the tower saw a ventilation shaft. He turned the screw with claws and went inside. On the floor he saw hanging on the opposite wall buildings plan and looked at him gently. He went above and after climbing several stories seen through the grille several weasels talking in the laboratory with a low hooded figure.

"That amount of serum is quietly enough for the whole city. Before midnight, everything will be ready."

"I will happy when finally the city will be on chaos no one dares to call me "sweet child." Predators regain its role in the nature!"  figure snapped.

Then he heard a barely intelligible Jade voice and began to climb up to hear it louder.

A few floors further noted surrounded by big chemical fluid big tank hooked to a thick pipe facing downwards. On tank hung a clock counting down to midnight, connected to two large pumps. He saw weasels pouring into tank the next portion of the violet liquid and realized that is the berry serum. He informed the Judy and climbed upstairs already including the walkie-talkie.

On the side of the shaft had heard very clearly the voice of Jade, bounced back at him and came upper a large circular chamber.

"We're done Alex, now I know you never loved me!"

"Hah, do you think I'll let you go? Not today, not at this moment!"

He caught jerking Jade, so what Greg exclaimed:

"Let she go!"

Then Alex looked up and declined on his head a large grid of the ventilation shaft, Greg jumped down and shouted:

"Jade, run!"

When Nick and Judy heard it on a walkie-talkie, they informed Bogo and rushed to the rescue. They entered the great hall on and heard the alarm.

With the whole building, including laboratories have begun to converge weasels and surrounded the police with sticks and ropes. Judy began to aim for them with tranquilizer gun arrows, but Nick said:

"There's too many!"

Then weasels rushed them. Nick without hesitation threw a smoke grenade at his feet, grabbed the Greg's harpoon gun, catched Judy and fired to the ceiling. They hung under the ceiling hearing as weasels knock each other in dense smoke.

At the time, Jade ran away, and Alex stood up and growled:

"So this is your fault, you're the reason she wants to leave! She won't run away, my assistants will stop her!"

"That's... you hit me in the street and injected soporific substance to fruits!"

"Yeah, of course, thanks this the majority of police officers are themselves asleep while we introduce the city into chaos!"  he added with laugh.

"Too bad, because the entire police these fruits tasted only one immune animal - me!"

"What? How?..."

"Let's say I have a weakness for night howlers..." Greg said with satisfaction, and added:

"You want to poison an entire city? The mayor Bellweather already tried and it didn't work!"

"She was just right hand of boss, had to perform a series of tests on predators and get paid for it in being a major, but she failed, so I took her place. The boss is someone who you would never meet..."

At this moment, at the staircase went up hooded figure.

"What it gives you? What is wrong with harmony of this city?"  lynx asked.

"And so I'll get you so I can tell: Boss is preparing it for several months. This pair of prying policemen who stopped on Thursday a few of our colleagues, only slightly delayed our plan. We have a portion of serum that just quietly on the savagery of all predators in the city. By tomorrow the whole city will be mastered the wild crowd and there's nothing you can do about it. I know that the fruits weaken the effect of the serum so..."

"... so you sabotaged my business..."

"Of course but that's a matter for you, it will be for me pure satisfaction..."

Then he threw himself on the lynx and claws scratched his hand, face, then rolled him onto his back and tried to strangle. Greg remembered watched broadcast in the hospital:

"... Being overturned or pressed to the wall, use your whole body to repel the attacker..."

Then Greg with the whole body threw surprised Alex on wall. Furious black leopard, ran over and grabbed him from the back. Greg pulled from a shirt pocket in a small stun grenade, cocked, flung into the air and suffocating him with Alex tried to turn their backs to him, so that the leopard was closer to the explosion. In part, he succeeded, and when the grenade exploded, they were both stunned, being released Greg was able to even apply Alex in the face and knock him out.

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