Chapter VIII: Training

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     When Otterton was helping Greg to get up on site, there arrived the ambulance and a police department engineer. Sappers have separated detonator from the explosive and placed the items carefully packed and secured in the frightened Judy's police car, as evidence to the police station. At that time, rescuers were bandaging Greg's foot and said that he doesn't have to go to the hospital, is able to rest at home. Mr. Otterton asked him:

"How can I repay you for saving my wife?"

"Do you know someone, who knows a little on trade? I need to find animal, who would sell fruits in the near future and perhaps more, as a substitute for my company..."

Otterton wondered, but his wife whispered to him:

"So much time you're looking for a job, say yes!"

To which he replied without hesitation:

"I'll do it, sir, I used to work at the box office so counting don't make problems for me."

Pleased lynx at the time, when the doctor finished to bandaging his feet, gave him a brief training on the approach to the customer and the service truck and his mechanisms - brakes, mirrors and juicers.

When he finished, heard a familiar voice:

"Something fell out from your pocket, Greg..."

He turned and saw smiling Jade, which gave him picture of her with his note. Greg blushed, took a photograph of her hands, and let her go.

Judy and Nick offered, that they will pick Greg home, so which lynx agreed to and looked again toward the Jade.

Before entering the police car he saw as she pulled the phone and said:

"Alex, Jade's here ... no! You listen to me, I have something important to say, evening I am going to Shadowlands, we will meet you at your work..."

Then Nick closed the car door and drove away. Judy started the conversation with Greg:

"You see, that it gets serious, if you know anything, say it now, because it certainly wasn't the instance, that's the second time someone tried to destroy your business!"

"But I really..."

At Nick began to enumerate:

"First someone injected your fruits with modified serum of night howler fruits, then they want to blow up your trolley and kill innocent animals..."

"Night howlers?!"  Greg shouted and added after a pause:

"Some time ago, one customer ordered from us big supply, he said that he wanted to plant them, in order to beautify the garden, I had no reason to disbelieve him..."

"Do you remember the address?"

"Yes, because usually hardly anyone orders so much, it was Shadowlands street, number 12."

So Nick reported address to Bogo, then no one has said anything in the police car.

12 o'clock.
The vehicle pulled up to the house of Greg. After stopping, lynx suddenly said:

"- Come with me!"

After being surprised, Nick and Judy came out of the car and followed Greg. He entered the house, rolled a big carpet and lifted the big, square hatch. After descending, they saw a great workshop and inventions that Nick had seen on projects in a briefcase. Greg picked up from the corner 2 bags; small backpack and large bag. He put a walkie-talkie to side pocket a small bag, the second gave to Judy. Then he picked up one smoke grenade, stun grenade and gun with harpoon and gave it to Nick:

"I hope that won't fail when you will need to use it..."

"How ... when you built this all?"  Nick asked.

"Well, I was bored on Saturdays." - he replied with a smile.

At this point, Nick walked to opened second room, where he saw the wall which was glued with several layers of extrusions to eggs - were used as silencing the room. Then he noticed a lot of claw sighs on the extrusions and a couple of night howlers in the corner. He picked it up and asked Greg:

"Could you explain it?"

Greg raised his head, and after a moment of reflection replied:

"It was a room that I used to silence myself after a hard day's work. Once accidentally biting the fruit I ate a handful of night howlers, locked myself in this room to not hurt anyone. But I discovered with astonishment, that I can partially control myself during savagery, in addition I'm stronger, but the effect goes out after a few hours. Hence these marks on the walls, with every attempt to eat berries I was less aggressive, which does not change the fact that in the first tests I quite damaged silencing layer. Thanks to your scientists I know now that it is thanks to frequently eating other fruits."

Then he began to pack a large bag smoke grenades, stun grenades, 2 bottles with yellow gel and several other inventions.

He went with them out of the house, which Judy responded categorically:

"Hey, but if you think we'll take you to this action..."

"... so I will get there by foot, you see, I won't forgive myself if these berries will be used in a serious crime."

When they realized, he won't listen them, they threw his bags behind the seat and drove away with him.

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