Chapter VII: A thousand sparks of love

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Early Tuesday morning.

    Rested Greg took his things and went to the hospital reception. He left and went straight to the warehouse to take new trolley with fruits. Lynx decided, that this day for own security, won't go to the police station. He headed to the city center.

Meanwhile, Jade once again led the training at the police station, this time on the morning. After when most of the animals came out, she began to cry. Judy noticed it:

"What happened?"

"It probably has no sense - Alex is so indifferent, he doesn't try to make something romantic... he thinks only about himself... he didn't tell me, that he love me from the momen,t when we started to be together, even it happened he...he hit me.
In addition, I noticed 
recently that Greg is staring at me..."

Judy tried to say something about Greg, but she didn't want to destroy one's relationship:

"You have to choose, what really want your heart, I already chose and I don't regret!"

"I want this, but it would be possible? ... He is a lynx ..."

"I chose a fox, as you can see, everything is possible..."

"After all... thank you, finally I could confess it someone..."  Jade said and went to the exit.

One hour later, Greg came from the district dominated by elephants and stopped around the corner at jeweler, to clean the trolley. He heard the voice of Jade:

"Maybe once could you buy me a gift? Only today, it's our anniversary, look what a beautiful pendant with a fish..."

Greg slowly looked around the corner, he saw a cheetah standing in front of the site with Alex and turned his trolley to leave.

"No way, why do you think in general about such trifles?" Alex said and left sorrowful Jade before jeweler.

Greg heard this, stopped, thought about it and turned back toward the jeweler but Jade wasn't there longer.

Nick and Judy meanwhile turned up at the commander:

"If you're done with the paperwork,  go to the parkometers. I know you don't like this, but someone has to check them and today it fell on you."

"OK, boss..."  couple of police officers said slightly annoyed.

At lunchtime tired Lynx arrived at the Otterton's house - regular customers. He left the truck on the brakes and went to the door:

"Good morning mister Otterton, wife at home?"

"No, she went to the city!"

"Well, I bring you same things as always..." - and he handed the bag of different fruits.

"Thank you..."  sleepily Otterton said.

After reversing the lynx saw as weasel with a shawl on his face deprotects trolley and runs away with him towards the main street.

Greg chased after him. He tried to run installed remote emergency brakes, but probably landed the batteries in the remote control. Weasel turned toward the lower part of the city and began to descend upon a downhill with the trolley. While seeing, he doesn't escape, let the trolley go down the hill and turned a side street. Lynx wanted to chase him, but after a second he thought, turned in pursuit of his trolley and grabbed him at the last moment before entering the steepest part of the hill. He drew handbrakes which, however, gave little effect, so Greg started to support the attempt with his shoes.

Nick and Judy noticed that standing on the roadside and ran toward him.

After a few seconds, the trolley slowed but brakes caught fire and began to spoil throwing sparks on Greg's shoes. Seeing the pedestrian crossing and a lot of animals on them, Lynx forced himself with all his strength to stop trolley with shoes.

Several meters from animals Greg began to cry and yell in pain, when the entire sole clashed and shoes began to glow from sparks. He stopped three meters from the crossing, howling in pain. Immediately after stopping, he took off and threw shoes at the side of the road.
At this point, animals were trembled with fear, standing on the side of the pedestrian crossing.

Nick and Judy ran, asking if anyone nothing happened. Then they saw Greg which was leaning on his trolley, sitting on the side and holding his feet.They called to medical services for him.

Suddenly, Greg noted see flashes from inside the trolley. He opened the rear closet and saw a blinking bomb detonator with 3 cables connected with a bomb which was attached inside. He saw a time of 45 seconds in a digital countdown counter. Lynx yelled:

"All move away!"

Then he took laces with scraps of his shoes, tied them up and walked over to the truck.

Greg had 3 cables: blue, green and yellow-black. Asked Nick which one he should pull, and heard the answer:

"In movie which I saw, they cut the red cable..."

"There's no red!"  Greg yelled.

"... then they cut the green and it helped!"  Nick added.

So Greg doesn't have time to think, tied green cable and he hid behind a lantern and pulled the cord.

Breaking the cable caused the lights to go off on a bomb and stopped the clock for 5 seconds to explode. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while Mr Otterton came breathless down from the hill and spotted a group of animals with his wife:

"Honey ... are you ... are you alright?"

"Yes, this lynx saved us..."

Then Mr Otterton walked over to Greg and crouched down to hug him, for what lynx lying on the sidewalk gave him a trembling hand and heard:

"Thank you!"

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