Chapter VI: I don't like Mondays

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11 o'clock.
     Greg looked at his watch, pushed his trolley in and went out of miniature neighborhood residents, counting profit. He entered to his company's warehouse, loaded trolley full of fruit and came out the building, smiling to the warehouseman. He left with his trolley and didn't know, he was being observed. Following the road, he picked up the signed rag from the trolley: "You'd better finish selling fruits". He cleaned his trolley and muttered to himself:

"Well, now to the police station..."

Entered into a long narrow street, leading straight to the square in front of the police station and was hit in the head, losing consciousness.

After half an hour he awoke, checked, that nothing was missing from the trolley. Lynx glanced at his watch and took one apple bite. Greg grabbed trolley and stated, that still had a time. He didn't notice, that all the fruits of his troley were filled by syringe needle.

After a while, he arrived at the police station and didn't speak to anyone, which greeted him warmly. Judy at this time carried papers to Bogo. She passed Greg and greeted him, so what he looked at her face and talks feverishly, seeying mouth of his love:

"Jade?"  and he fell to the floor, dropping the bitten apple and left the signed rag to the floor.

Judy was concerned and attempted to revive him. She partially calmed down, noticing, that Greg was asleep.

Several police officers wanted to treat the fruits from his trolley, but Nick was there and seeing puncture on fruits, yelled to not eat it. He noted also rig, picked it up and showed Judy. They decided to review the record of monitoring and find Greg on them. Nick saw, that lynx went into the street without monitoring, but was followed by another, masked figure, armed with a stick. The character came out of the alley a few minutes later, while Greg left it after half an hour. Judy watched Greg again and found a bruise on his head, and then made sure, that he was stunned and probably he didn't prick fruit with a soporific substance. Greg was transported to the hospital.

The evening.

Lynx regained consciousness and after the story about happenings in the street, gave Nick the key to his home and asked to bring his briefcase, with the most important documents. The officers arranged that Judy will watch Greg at the hospital, just in case. Nick left a room and Greg turned on the hospital TV, in which program about self-defense was finishing:

"... Being overturned or pressed to the wall, use your whole body to repel the attacker ..."

After leaving the Greg's house, Nick, unable to withstand the curiosity, opened his briefcase in the police car. Out of the middle dropped Jade image, signed on the back: "Maybe will one day, our hearts join together". Next he found a few threats, further Zootopia High School diploma of the completed guidance of "Environmental Engineering", a lot of projects and inventions patents which were incomprehensible for Nick. Last were papers of the the fruit company's founder and owner.

Judy at this time, received a phone from the laboratory, in which Bogo notified about the results of the samples of tested pierced fruit:

"Our research showed, that the substance, which has been touted this lynx, was based on serum of night howlers, the same fruits that caused savagery of animals during mayor Bellweather tests. All fruits contain a big dose of these chemicals, so much that our police customers from command would be asleep at least a few days, what's more, we discovered..."

But Judy interrupted Bogo:

"But Greg woke up after a few hours!"

So what the police chief said:

"It only confirms our suspicions that Greg eating very often apples and other fruits from his stand, became partially resistant to serum, due to the high content of vitamins in his body."

After reviewing the contents of folders surprised Nick closes it and takes to the hospital.

Greg was watching him carefully from the entrance, he took his briefcase without a word and opened it:

"You know already everything you wanted?" - Greg asked stoically.

"And is there something I should know?"

"Don't pretend, from your mixed face I know, that you looked already my briefcase. But since you already know everything, I don't know there is something else to say."

At that Nick said:

"Forgive my curiosity, but you and Jade..."

"No, we aren't together, she's Alex girlfriend and I can't make anything. I'm still in love in her.  As for the rest, these threats were delivered to the secretariat during the weekend. Someone had to break in, because the building was closed."

Judy added:

"I'm sorry about it, maybe we're a little nosy, but you should know, that your fruits were filled with soporific substance, and your trolley is now in the research laboratory..."

"W-What?"  surprised Greg asked.

And he added after a pause:

"I think it happened in this cramped street, when somebody hit my head, I woke up just before twelve o'clock..."

"We have seen reviewing monitoring the masked figure, do you have any idea who could do it?"  Judy asked.

At the moment Greg reminded that at the last moment before the attack, he noticed a long black tail in the mirror of trolley. Besides, lynx remembered Alex which asked him about visits on the command. He didn't want to be looked as a desperate jealous, he said only after a pause:

"I don't know, maybe the other seller..."

Nick had the feeling, that Greg is hiding something, but didn't drill longer this theme and added:

"And these drawings, are you an urban designer? Or an inventor?"

"It's a hobby after my grandfather, who was a handyman. These projects are mostly prototypes, most of which I haven't had much chance to test myself at home. But now, when you know about them, I hope that someday you will help me to test them..." 
he added with laugh.

"Why did you hide, that you are the leader of Exotic Delicacies? After all, you wouldn't have to walk around the city and expose yourself after getting such threats..."

When Judy heard who is Greg, she sat shocked and lynx replied:

"I don't want it would have an impact on my life. You should know,  if I happened to be someone important, everyone would treat me differently, some would envy, others would hate me and others love, and so I feel at ease. Besides, if I still had to sit in the office, I wouldn't have a chance to see Jade on the city..." - he sighed.

"Ooooh..." Judy sighed too.

Surprised Greg whispered to Nick:

"Are all rabbits so emotional?"

"I'm still saying her it, it's one of the skills, that makes me love in her..." - Nick said, getting up from his stool.

Greg grinned, then when Nick and Judy went out, a tear trickled down his cheek.

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