Chapter V: The smell of burning fur.

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Late Sunday evening.

    Nick woke up on the Hopps couch room with cooling wraps on his body. On the stairs, leading to the second floor and on the outskirts of the room, has set in 3 rows most Judy's siblings.

Nick was partially consciousness, the first thing, which he vaguely saw and heard were the warm thanks from parents of rescued children, then from the Hopps family. Once Judy started say to him, the fog went out from his eyes and he began to mist and hear normally.

"Nick, finally, are you alright?"

"Judy, where is your sister, she's okay?" he asked.

"Fine, she's resting now..." Judy said, pulling her mechanical carrots. 

All parents decided, that they are leaving them alone now.

"... I ask only for a chance, I promise that you won't fail!" - a voice recorder sounded.

"The second time don't take it too seriously!" - she added with pretensions.

"But there was your sister!" Nick replied.

Judy imagined now her crying sister and regretted, what she said. She wept, hugged him and said with sobbing:

"I know, I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you!"

Nick said with chuckle and cough:

"Rabbits, such emotional..."

Judy sat beside Nick. Bunch of siblings began to clap loudly and after a few seconds, they spread to their rooms.

"You know, tomorrow morning we have to go back to work?" Judy asked.

"I know, I can handle a cure. But I can say to you one thing: it was worth it."

After that Judy strongly clung to Nick and they fell asleep, so her happy parents watched.

4 o'clock, morning.

Nick and Judy were escorted by Bonnie and Stu, got into the car and left the farm. Nick was wearing a new shirt, which Bonniedonated him and holded in hands burned piece of cloth, from which Judy had lamented previously.

"Why did you say it was worth it, after all you liked to walk in that shirt." Judy broke the silence, throwing it facetiously.

"I had my reasons..." Nick said with a giggle and took frayed voice recorder from his trouser's pocket.

"... I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you!" - voice sounded in the car.

"You ..." she growled.

Nick looked at her flirtatiously:

" ... Sly - ly - fox... "  Judy finished.

And they saw Zootopia on the horizon and the rising sun on the sky.  

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