Chapter IV: Nasty weather

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Cloudy Sunday afternoon.

     The Hopps family with Nick went on a monthly festival to the village.

Siblings ran through attractions, and Stu said:

"We are going with Bonnie to the shooting competition, I hope that I won't have to use my skills in real life..." he winked at Nick and walked away.

Fox and rabbit began to walk and look around the attractions. Judy went very excited about it and stretched Nick's hand to the front. Eventually she let his arm, went forward and asked:

"So, did you choose already some attraction?" 

"I think so..." Nick said,  when his eyes looked on the tent with title "Catch your rabbit ".

He ran to Judy, grabbed her and held proudly high up. Judy looked surprised and saw the tent.

"My stupid and childish fox..." 

"My little, silver carrots..." Nick added.

At this moment, they heard a cry. One of the tents caught fire, Nick ran inside. Judy ran after him, but she saw the plate "Today big fireworks show "and stopped before entrance.  She shouted on Nick to come back, but heard the cry again and recognized him - it belonged to her younger sister. After the fire caught straw at the entrance and the entire front of the tent was on fire, fireworks began flying out furiously from the center of tent. Judy began to scream desperately for Nick when her parents arrived, asking what happened.

Nick at the time sought the tent, led four children through the back door and was stunned by a large exploding firecrackers hanging on a pole. Stunned Nick stood unsteadily in the middle of the tent. When children fled through the back door, it caught fire and collapsed. Being shocked and seeing everything through a haze, he heard the cry of another baby - Judy's sister, that one, who hugged his tail on the parking. He found her hidden in the empty box of unexploded fireworks and took on his hand. He ran with her to the front exit, but stopped when saw them on fire.

At this point, one of the fireworks, aimed on Nick, fired straight into him, flew under his arm, wresting big scrap material and leaving a large hole in the shirt Nick. He flew through the door in the direction of Judy and her parents, who were standing terrified at the front of the tent. Firework exploded not far from them and throwed shred of material from Nick's green T-shirt under Judy's feet.
Judy raised and recognized material, giving a cry of despair. Then he saw skipping silhouette through the dark of the fire - it was Nick. He majestically jumped through a wall of fire in the entrance tent. Fox looked like a wild animal, with glowing, tattered shirt and charred fur. He stood on all four paws in front of Judy's parents, holding on teeth by the shirt her sister which had closed eyes. The sky was lit up by a flash of lightning. Stu aimed at his head with his rifle,  thinking, that Nick had just killed his daughter and wanted to escape with the loot.

Suddenly sister opened sluggishlyher eyes:


Shocked Stu and Bonnie looked at her, Nick still standing on all paws, put Judy's sister on Bonnie's arms and breathless turned to Stu:

"I told you ... that I don't... disappoint you... Mr. Hopps..."

"Call me Stu..." - he said and dropped the rifle aside, under the feet of scared children, that Nick brought before out of the tent.

"Well, ... OK... Stu..."  Nick said and fainted under knees of sobbing Judy.

At this point, the tent with fireworks collapsed, dense rain fell, and the fireworks began to slowly estinguish.  

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