Let's Play Ball

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The days flew by fast. 

Today was the day of Ross's game.

I had hardly seen him for the remainder of the week

I had made up my mine.  After A few days of internally battling with myself i had made up my mine that i was going to be with Ross.

Of course there was the doubts. Lots and lots of doubts there in my mind. I'm not good enough for him, he's gonna get bored. i know that it in the end it will hurt me. especially when he gets tired of me, and starts embarrassing me.

but something about him made me want to be more, to be A better person. To be smart, to not be afraid, to shine, to smile, to laugh...to love. To be me.

I liked ross. 

I really liked him. i just hope he liked me as much as i like him.

i'm sometimes afraid that my struggle in really expressing how i feel will push him away. He's the only person other than Trishaun who's interested in really knowing me, and wants to know me.

So I've made up my mind.

I'm going to be with Ross Shor Lynch. The goofy head, funny, smart, talented, adorable, dork, weird, hilarious ,Blondie. 

Because I Laura Marie Marie Likes Ross Shor Lynch.


"Huh?" i was snapped out of my gazing by Trishaun slapping me on my forehead. "Hey that hurts." i whined

"Are you finished dressing?" She asked stepping back. i took the time to look at her. 

she look good

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she look good.

"Uh no..." I said shaking my head. 

"Oh thank God i thought you were going like that, because knowing you i know you don't care how you look, thankfully you have me to help right?" 

"Huh." i mumbled watching as she dug through my closet for something for me to wear.

i loved Trishaun i could tell you that. she knows me, i know her. She tells me when i'm wrong vice versa.

she's the sister i never had. 

she know how i am  and helps me everyday to love myself.

well at least she tries.

after all i ended up in A maroon t shirt. which i chose. to go with one of school's color, there's maroon, yellow and black. thou the boys uniform was black. Black ripped jeans and  Maroon Jordan that Carla had bought for me.

my hair was in two buns in the front and the back lose.

"You look so cute! let's hope you don't distract Ross on that feel." she gushed causing my cheeks to immediately turn red.

"Shuddup." I said walking out my bedroom door.


an hour later we were seated at the stadium

Me, Trishaun, Alex,Rydel, Rowan and Barry sat together.

"There he is. ROSS!ROSS!" Rowan screamed her brother's name as soon as she spotted him. soon Barry joined in the screaming affair.

somehow over the noise he heard them and turned there way.

grinning with he spotted us he jogged his way over and up to the bleachers.

"Hey you came early." he standing. his smile never fading.

"Of course we did. " Alex answered the two of them doing some bro hug.

"Rossy are you gonna win !" Rowan bounced excitedly.

"Of course they will." Barry answered his best friend.

"I'll try and here. in case you guess get cold." He said taking the jacket off of his shoulder and handing it to The two of them.

Rydel ruffled her brothers hair and kissed him on his cheek whispering good luck the turning back to her phone where she was furiously texting away.

"Alex look over them." Ross said to his best friend.

in really Alex said an of course. 

Ross and Trishaun  exchanged A few words, then he turned to me.

my heart instantly skipped A beat. it started beating faster and i felt my palms begin to sweat

"Peony, you look beautiful." He said smiling at me." His eyes looked me up and down.

blushing i rubbed my arms.

"Here hold on to these for me." He said taking off his chain from around his neck and slipping his ring off of his finger.

he placed the chain around my neck and the ring on my thumb finger knowing that it would be small of any of my other fingers.

Sighing i locked my eyes.

here goes.

"Ross  I want to be with-"

"LYNCH GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE, YOU KNOW WE HAVE A HUDDLE UP." His coach shouted at him instantly cutting me off.

"YEA YEA, COMING COACH!" he turned from me. He shouted back smiling sheepishly

He turned back his attention to me.

"Hey i gotta go, we'll talk later, whatever you were saying don't forget it. Wish me luck." He said gripping my hands and squeezing a little.

he leaned forward and pecked A kiss on my lips. stealing a kiss from me then turned around and ran down the bleachers and down to the field.

leaving me daze were i stood.

"Oh Laura, you okay up there." Alex teased from his seat.

"Shut it Bishop."

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