Love yourself

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"ROSS, LAURA! YOU NEED TO LOOK EACH OTHER IN THE EYES! DO OVER!" Mr. Allen shouted at us for the third time. after a full week of awkward dancing, today was Friday the final day of rehearsals, we were practicing our last song, which was  required a lot of face to face preforming.

"Can we take A break." I asked him wiping my forehead.

sighing he nodded and turned to a bunch of others keeps outing up the final stage props.

I took a seat on a stoll.

fixing my navy blue leggings on my legs then tying my Nikes properly

ross went to fetch his water.

"LAURA!" The scream of an all too familiar voice cause me to groan.

no no no no no.

"Laur!." Spinning around I saw him break out into a sprint, his long legs stretching making him reach even faster.

he grabbed me and kissed me all over my face.

"Okay, okay. that's enough Alex, I missed you too." I said laughing a little and pushing him away.

"Gosh laura I missed you so much. I don't know what's haening between you and ross, but, all I know is that he better get his boujie ass self together, before I kick his ass. Guys these days don't know what they have till it's gone, If ross, didn't fall in love with you, i'd probably had snatched you up already. OH MY GOD! you cut your hair, AND OH MY GOD, YOU LOST SO MUCH WEIGHT, YOU LOOK SEXY AS HELL GIRL, LOOK AT YOU." He babbled sassily, one hand on his hip as the other swang around in the air.

He spoke loudly enough for ross to hear him. ross looked u at him from the floor with a disbelieving look.

"Yes Alex." I laughed.

"Wish we could chit chat, but I gotta run. i'm suppose to be in physics now, and I asked Mrs. Myrtle to use the washroom, i'm sure she's already looking for me." With one harsh pat on the head he dashed off the stage and down the isle, and out the auditorium.

laughing I turned back to my bag, just to find ross standing behind me.

"S-sorry I startled you."

"U-Uh oh it's okay." I replied first swallowing.

"Look Peony, I'm really sorry, can we talk about it, I feel so stupid."

His eyes pleading.

"Ross there is nothing to talk about. You're with Kristine, and she seems happy, i'm happy for you both, what happened between us was just A faze, you're over it I don't blame you please. ross I have this knew found happiness inside me don't take that away. be happy with her."

"Peony, please just let me explain. After everything with you, I started feeling down and depressed and started drinking, she was there, I was drunk, it was a stupid mistake, I love you."  He cried.

"You don't love me ross, you're just in with the thought of being in love with me. I was the fat broken, sad, depressed girl. but t's okay now i'm not any of those thins anymore, i'm happy! I'M HAPPY ROSS and I can say thanks to you, because you played a part in helping love myself. Thank you." I said smiling, halfheartedly.

I want you

I really really do

just not right now I have a lot of loving myself to do.

"Peony, or you saying I don't have a chance. can't I make this right somehow?" he begged

"In time ross, don't rush or force destiny. time shall have her way." I said.

"Then can we atleast still be friends?" He asked

coming to a conclusion that I wasn't going to cave.

"Sure blondie,we're friends."

"You'll always be my peony." He said hugging me.

"And you'll always be my blondie. even when you're not blonde anymore." I said laughing.

"If i can't be with you know, i'll wait. i'll take you anyhow i can." He breathed in my hair.

I like this new me, she was pretty nice, pretty cool.

I love myself.

i love myself.






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