You are Beautiful

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you can listen to song while reading. and the picture is of Laura's hair now.

It's been 2 week since everything happened, and I haven't been to school not once.

I've gotten A bunch of missed calls, and messages from everyone.


Peony plz give me just one chance, to fully explain myself, im begging of u, idk kif ur okay, u won't answer my calls n trishaun won't tell me anything, I stopped by ur home a few times, but ur dad won't let me in, and when Carla does, u make me feel like im talking to a ghost, I don't wnt us to tlk about thi through text, I want to see u. peony plz.

Messages like that stopped coming a few while back, but he still sent everyday, I j=guess he gave up on begging me, but I don't blame him not one bit.

Then there was other like.

Hey, I really miss u. plz text me back.


I'm thinking about u right now, thts all I seem to be doing lately, and it's driving me insane, all I have are these pictures of you. I miss your voice, your smile, your smile, I mis your everything, gosh peony please. Plz don't give up just yet. Please.

Reading them made me cry a lot. And I guess I'm overexaggerating, maybe I should give him one last shot.

No laura, you knew thing were gonna end even before they begun, and look were you are starving yourself, and chopping off your hair.

After Trishaun saw me, she fixed my hair up a bit, saying that if I really wanted to change it, I should go all out, so she leveled in and died middle and ends.

I had lost weight, which I know don't know if it's something good or bad.

Other than the weight I had lot from my time exercising with ross, I lost a lot of weight due to starving myself, while crying and drowning myself on my treadmill in my room.

Every day and every night.

Carla and trishaun begged me to stop.

Saying it wasn't normal to be losing so much weight so fast without even eating.

I had moved from 230 pounds to 127 in two weeks.

I had fainted a few times, but never told anyone they'd just take the door down.

I slowly each day found myself being able to

But I have to say.

I miss them a lot...

I miss him a lot

And it's so weird that after all the pain.... after all that I still missed him.

A knocking on my door halut my exercising that afternoon.

"Open up." My fathe's voice on the opposite side of the door. Shocked me.

He never came to my room.

Slowly I walked to my door, giving him a chance to retreat incase he made A mistake.

When I reached the door I slowly opened it, poking my head out first.

There my father stood in his work clothes.

Bags under his eyes showing just how tired he was.

I moved so he could come in.

He walked in took a sit on my bed as I shut the door.

When he looked up at me a shocked expression was on his face.


"Dad what are you doing here." I asked him rubbing my arms the shock form his face slowly disappeared.

"This is my house, I go where I want in it." He said.

Sighing he patted the sit on my bed next to him.

I hesitantly took a sit next to him.

My dad and I never really spoke after my mom died. We both grieve in our own way. He'd stay in his corner and I'd stay in my, that bond that we had vanished when my mom died, things between us just fell apart.

"When your mother had you, I was scared as hell to hold you, you were just so small, beautiful. You had these huge round eyes that had me hypnotised and wrapped around your finger from the moment you stared at me. Looking at you I had vowed to myself that I was going to make you happy, I never wanted to see you cry, I never wanted you to feel like you weren't loved." He said he stared at my table, but I knew he wasn't really looking at it.

"When your mom died, thar was the worst thing ever for me, my world fell apart, and I hated everything, but worst of all I pushed you away, I pushed my own child away." He said his voice cracking. The my eyes stared to burn as I tried to fight the tears.

"Laura Darling, I know I've hurt you an di never meant to do that. I just didn't know how to look at you without seeing her in you, you're alike in so many ways, including your looks.but I want you to know I love you and I always will. Sometimes parents don't make their feelings clear, Thet assume that their children know deep love they feel for them. Yet when misunderstandings occur, and things are left unsaid, it can lead to needless doubts and insecurities."

He moved forward and took my hand sin his, tears dropped from my eyes and unto his hand. He released our grasp and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I don't ever want you to feel insecure, and I want you to remember these words I am telling you know Laura because they will always be current and never changing....." His voice cracked in he sniffled.

"You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me. There I nothing I'd rather see than your smile, and nothing I'd rather hear than your laughter. I am proud of the person you have become, and no matter what happens in your life, I have confidence in your ability to make the right choices. I love you Laura, I never will stop loving you." He cried out. Breaking down, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and sobbed.

I dad had hurt me in so many ways.

He had broke my heart way before any boy could have.

Way before ross could have.

I love my father even when he puhed me away, I still loved him and had hopes that he'd return it, but I didn't know that all this time had loved me back.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you laura, I cause this, I didn't tell you how beautiful and loed you are.."

"I-I'm beautiful?" I asked him lifting my head from his chest.

His shirt stock to him due to my tears.

"Yes, of course you are Laura, you are beautiful and never doubt that, and I'm not just saying this because I am your FATHER, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL." He said.

A smile was on his face as he looked at me.

I'm beautiful.

I am beautiful.

I got up from the bed and looked at my self in the mirror.

"I am beautiful." I whispered, as I stared back at meself in the mirror.

"I am beautiful. I AM BEAUTIFUL." I screamed at myself.

I a beautiful. All this time I kept telling myself I was ugly, digusting. I always hated myself.

"Daddy! I AM BEAUTIFUL." I shouted running to him and higging him hard.

"yes sweety you are. You are beautiful and strong."

"I'm strong." I repeated my eyes blurring gfrom the tears.

"You are beautiful."

"I am beautiful!" I repeated with every strength, every nerve, every bone.


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