Chapter Three

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Alex's POV

I sat at my desk, thinking about what to type for my essay for Professor Washington. My mind, usually so full of thoughts and ideas, was currently empty. I felt awful. I was tired, and it was surprisingly hot in the room. I came from the Caribbeans; I thought I could handle hot, but apparently not. I got up carefully, trying not to wake John, and turn the thermostat lower. It's dark, and I couldn't read the numbers very well, so I just turn it a bit lower, enough for the room to cool down. I make my way back to my desk, but then trip over something and come crashing to the ground. My head hits the edge of John's bed, and everything goes black my last thought was brief;

John's going to kill me for waking him up.


"Alex! Alexander! Alex, this isn't funny, wake up!" I was dimly aware of shouting.

I blinked my eyes open. "J-John?" He looked upset and worried, but relieved at the same time.

"Alex! You're awake! What happened? Why did you trip and fall and wake me at 1:00 AM?" He asked, and I winced. Yep, a bit angry at me waking him up, but not too bad. At least he's not- I cut that thought off. No, Alex, you don't need to be thinking about that. I mentally scold myself, then try to pay attention to John.

"What's going on, Alex?" He asks, looking worried. "Why were you up at 1:00?"

I sigh. I have a pounding headache, most likely from my smack down with John's bedframe. "Uh, I was up at what, likeeee.... 1:00 because I was writing and essssay, and... Um... Oh, I was feeling hot and I turned the teeemmpp dowwwwwn." What's happening? Why are my words slurring? What's going on? I mentally freak out, almost triggering a panic attack before composing myself. You're in front of John, Alex. He'd hate you if you were having a panic attack - He'd think you're a freak, like everyone else.

"Alex? Alex, what's wrong? Something's wrong! Oh my god, you're burning up! I... I'm going to call 911! You feel like you're on fire!" But John's words started to slur together, and black spots started filtering into my vision. I closed my eyes and blacked out.


Ugh, I'm not sure if I'm completely satisfied (haha) with this chapter, but it'll have to do. Sorry for the shortness! Also, again with the rewriting stuff... Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll have the next chapter up by the weekend!

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