Chapter Four

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John's POV

I watched in horror as the paramedics placed Alex on a stretcher. He looked so pale, his head lolling from side to side.

He still looks beautiful. I think, then immediately blush. No! I can't like him... He's probably straight... Oh my god what if my dad finds out?! About this whole thing? I know how he feels about this... Oh my god.

"John? John! There's an ambulance! What's going on?" Hercules runs up to me, Lafayette hot on his tail.

"Alex. He's sick. Very sick." I mutter, looking down. "I... I can't..." Tears slowly fill my eyes, and I quickly blink them away. Hercules and Lafayette exchange a knowing glance.

"John, mon ami, do you think you might possibly... What? Amour? No... Too strong..." Lafayette ponders his word choice, then lights up like a lightbulb; finding the correct word he needed. "Oh! Do you like Alex?"

I blush furiously. "No! Not at all! Stop, just stop. I'm tired, I want to go to bed." Hercules looked at me strangely.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Shouldn't we visit Alex?" My neck heats up at the mention of his name, and I shake my head.

"Alexander's fine." I say firmly. Saying his full and formal name hurt, but I needed to make sure Herc and Laf got off my case, before rumors spread like wildfire across this university.


Alex's POV

Everything is dark. I have no energy whatsoever to even open my eyes. I hear talking. Wait... I recognize that accent. Lafayette?

Someone sits down next to me. I can hear that much. They sigh, sounding conflicted.

"Bonjour, Alex." Lafayette says, his tone solemn. "The doctors say you're in a coma."

That statement chilled me to the bone. Coma? What? I can't be in a coma! That statement chilled me to the bone. The insistent beeping of the heart monitor grew louder and faster, the rapid beeping sounding harsh and irritating.

"Mon ami! Call down! Herc! We need a doctor, or a nurse! Oui, now!" He bolts from his chair. Someone else bursts in and fiddles with the IV that I feel is connected to my arm. The beeping intensifies, before slowing. I can hear Lafayette sit down again, sighing, this time in relief.

"Mon ami, you scared me!" He tells me. "But now I know... Oui, I know that you can hear me. Well, John's not coming to visit you, Alex. He said so."

As a response, my heart monitor got slower. Lafayette cursed in French under his breath. "Alex...."

Someone else enters the room. "Laf, we have to get back to the university." Hercules.

"But!" Lafayette starts to protest, only to be cut off abruptly, no verbal cue needed. They both leave, but not before telling me goodbye.

I'm still awake, I can only hear things to decipher what's going on, I'm bored out of my mind, and can't wake up.

This should be fun.


Hi! I lied, here's your next chapter! I felt bad for not updating in FOREVER, so I decided to get my act together and update now, rather than the weekend. Feel free to give feedback for this chapter! And I hope you enjoy!

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