Break ups and not so many make ups

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Patrick's P.O.V.

I was in my room after I had beat up Izzy. I was also kind of regretting it because she didn't deserve it. But I was too pissed off to be the nice guy in this situation. Yvonne walked into the room, interrupting my thoughts.

Yvonne: You OK Patty Cakes?

This doesn't feel right-only Izzy can call me Patty Cakes.

Patrick: Yeah I'm fine.

She sits next to me and rubs my shoulder.

Yvonne: It'll be alright. She just likes Dustin better now. But you know I love you, right?

She smiled wide which made me feel kind of guilty. I felt like I didn't love her enough.

Pat: Yeah. I love you too.

To make her believe what I was saying, I grabbed her face and crashed my lips onto hers. She immediately kissed me back. It quickly turned into a full on makeout session. But it just...didn't feel right. Izzy made kissing more enjoyable. Wait, I shouldn't be thinking like that. I'm officially over Izzy and I love Yvonne...right?

Janelle's P.O.V.

I was so freakin pissed off with Patrick. He just beat up my cousin! I hate him so damn much right now, I don't think I can even look at his stupid face right now. Just then, Carnell walks into the room and sits on our shared bed.

Carnell: Hey. Listen, I know you're kind of mad at Pat right now, but-


Carnell: Well sorry I brought it up. But I've been meaning to ask you something for a while.

Janelle: What?

Carnell: Will you go on a date with me?

I stop pacing. Did Carnell Breeding seriously just ask me out?!

Janelle: Really?

He nods approvingly.

Janelle: Well then...OK! I'd love to!

He stands up and I walk over to give him a hug. But instead he grabs my waste and pulls me into a long, passionate kiss. At first, I'm caught off guard, but after only 3 seconds, I start to kiss back. This might actually be the best relationship I could ever have.

Izzy's P.O.V.

I was resting in my bed and Dustin walked into the room.

Dustin: How are you feeling?

Izzy: Better.

Dustin leans in and kisses me on the lips for a good 10 seconds. But something felt different. Those sparks that I felt the first time we kissed weren't there anymore. Did I not like Dustin anymore?

To be honest, I had been asking myself this question since I saw Patrick so angry and jealous. I realized that I still love Patrick and Dustin just isn't the right guy for me.

Izzy: Dustin, we need to talk.

Dustin: I've been meaning to talk to you too. We should break up.

Izzy; I feel the exact same way. I still love Pat.

Dustin: I know. And I still love Yvonne. So...friends?

Izzy: Of course. Well, I might as well go find Patrick and try to get him back.

I leave the room and find Pat outside of his room. This is my chance.

Izzy: Pat, we need to talk.

Yvonne: Come on Pat. Let's go eat lunch downstairs.

Her and Patrick end up making out...right in my face. THAT BITCH!!

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