News Reports and Accidents

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update. As we said in our last author's note, we didn't have access to Wattpad :/ Hopefully, we will be back on our regular schedule from now on.

We hope you enjoy this chapter! :-)


Alex's P.O.V.

We were all in the rec center playing different games while watching one of the big flat screen TV's. Suddenly, the commercials got cut off by 3 loud beeps and the screen said BREAKING NEWS in bold letters. We all turned our heads towards the TV as a news reporter appeared on the screen. She began talking.

"The storm near the Alpine Valley Ski Resort in Wisconsin is only getting worse by the minute. The cabins and houses are covered in snow up to the 3rd floors!"

They show an image of the houses and they are practically buried. They show our cabin and the snow is covering one of the windows on the 3rd floor. There is still a blizzard outside.

Janelle: How the heck are we supposed to get out of this place?!

Kelly: I know! We've been here for weeks now!

The news reporter continues to talk.

"With no exit to these places, the people still living here will be running out of food in a minimum of 4 to 5 days! The heating in the houses may also stop working and sadly, these people are in the risk of starving or even FREEZING to death. Helicopters will be sent to pick up these people and return them home as soon as possible."

The TV returned to normal and we all just stood there wondering what would possibly happen to all of us if we didn't get out of here soon.

Jessica's P.O.V.

As soon as the news reporter was done talking, I started to freak out inside. If anything happens to the baby...if anything happens to it...

I started to hyperventilate. I was also feeling lightheaded. Kelly noticed and hurried over to me. When he talked, his voice sounded like it was far away.

Kelly: Jess, are you doing okay?

I didn't answer. I felt like I was falling backwards. 


The last thing I saw was Kelly running towards me. 

That was when I fell to the ground and blacked out...

Kelly's P.O.V.


I ran over to her and she fell to the ground unconscious. I dropped to my knees and held head on my right arm while sitting her up slighty with my left. Everybody crowded around us and Janelle told me not to move Jessica.

Janelle: She must've hit her head. This floor is VERY hard.

Alex: Do you think anything could affect the baby?!

Janelle: I sure hope not...

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