Phone Calls

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Jessica's P.O.V. 


That's what my pregnancy test shows. I can't believe that Kelly and I are having a baby! I have never been happier. :-) I run downstairs to the living room and see Kelly come into the room.

Jessica: Kelly! I have great news!

Kelly: OK. What?

We sit on the couch.

Jessica: We're having a baby!

Kelly stares at me with his mouth hung open.

Kelly: W-w-what?

I laugh at his comment.

Kelly: You and I?

I nod.

Kelly: A baby?!

I nod again.

Kelly: REALLY?! THAT'S AMAZING! I'm gonna be a father!

Before I can stop him he runs to the stairs.

Kelly: Hey guys! Jessica is having a baby! Everyone immediately runs downstairs and congratulate me and Kelly. The guys hug Kelly and the girls start talking about what gender it will be, it's name, and the baby shower. I can't believe that I'm going to be a mother.

Izzy's P.O.V. 

As we were all talking about the baby, me and Jessica's cell phones ring at the sane time.

It's our parents. 

What am I supposed to tell them? That I'm living with B5 and I'm in a relationship with Patrick Breeding?! 

Yeah right!

I go into the kitchen and answer the phone on the 4th ring.

Izzy: Hello?

Mom: Isabella, where are you?! We have been worried SICK!!!

Izzy: Sorry mom, but I was kind But I'm fine. The girls and I found a log cabin by the resort and we've been staying here.

Mom: Well as long as you're alright. 

Izzy: Um, Mom, I have to go.

Mom: Okay. Bye Sweetie. 

Izzy: Bye Mom.

I hang up and walk back into the living room. That was close.

Jessica's P.O.V.

Jessica: Hi mom!

Mom: Jessica, where are you?

Jessica: I've been staying with the girls in this log cabin near the resort. But we're fine.

Mom: Are you sure?

Jessica: Mom, we're over 20 years old! It's alright!

Mom: I know! I'm just asking! After all, I am your MOTHER!

Jessica: Mom can I just go already? I'm kind of in the middle of something!

Mom: Alright, bye.

I hang up but my phone rings again. Oh no.


What does ge want NOW?!

I reluctantly answer.

Jessica: What?

Jamal: Hey Jess. It's been a while.

Jessica: Uh-huh. What do you want?

Jamal: I want you back.

I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from bursting in laughter.

Jessica: WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Us? Together? After EVERYTHING that happened between me, you and Yvonne? No!

Jamal: But I love you.

Now I do laugh.

Jessica: Is this some kind of joke? I HATE you!

Jamal: Well fine. But you tell Yvonne I'll get my revenge sooner or later. 

Jessica: Yeah. Right. Whatever. Oh and by the way, I have a boyfriend.

Jamal: WHAT?! WHO?!

Jessica: That's for you to find out. 

I hang up and return to the living room. There is no way I'm letting Jamal's "threats" get in the way of my happiness. It's not like he can do anything to any of us anymore...right?

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