Chapter Eighteen- Training

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Hey guys. A spark of inspiration hit me finally. Hope this is good enough for you guys and enjoyable to you.

I slowly opened my eyes to find a black ceiling, sun shining through my window, and hitting my blackout curtains. The sunlight seemed brighter this morning. I sat up slowly and stretched, breathing in deeply.

EJ came through the door, his mask resting  flat on the top of his head. He "looked" at me, and slight tug came at the corner of his mouth. He walked over to me and sat on the side of my bed.

He looked at me, and hesitantly placed his hand on mine. We gently intertwined our fingers as the silence between us droned on.

EJ finally broke it, "Slender umm... he sent me to get you. He wants to do some training today, to help you learn the ropes better. Dress in something light and grab something to eat, then come outside, okay...?"

I tossed the covers to my left in opposition to EJ, then threw my feet over the side of the bed. I stood on them and slowly walked to my dresser, and searched for clothing. EJ fixed my covers and soon left the room.

I searched through my clothes and settled on a simple outfit. I pulled out a black tanktop and some black jeans with ratty holes in the knees. I pulled out my converse boots, biker gloves, and sunglasses. I wrapped my chains around my legs loosely, connecting them around my belt loop and my boots. I debated tying my hair up in a pony tail with a ribbon, but decided against it and yet took the ribbon still. I grabbed my iPod and earbuds and slid them in my pocket. I grabbed my drum sticks and slid them through my back belt loop.

I walked out of my room and saw the others dressed as usual at the bottom of the stairs. They all seemed to be heading outside, and to busy talking or being in their own world's to notice me.

I hopped on top of the banister and slid down the railing on my feet, then did an aerial at the end of the rail and landed on my feet. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a roll of bread, tearing it apart piece by piece, and placing each piece into my mouth. As soon as I finished, I brushed the crumbs from me and quickly made my way outside.

Once I made it out, Slender was standing in front of the house at the top of the steps, EJ at his side. They both stood with upright postures, EJ had his hands in a relaxed military position, while Slendy had his positioned like a butlers. LJ was talking to Jeff and sitting on the stone rail whilst eating candy, and Jeff was sharpening and cleaning his knife, only seeming half interested in the topic of conversation. BEN was playing on his Gameboy again, seemingly disinterested in everything around him.

EJ turned around to face me and said, "You'll be taking on all of us to start, and if anyone gets taken out by you, they have to sit out." I pointed to Slender and raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner, to which Slender replied with a shake of his head. "Slender doesn't have any parts of these things. He observes and advises these things. He doesn't want to hurt any of us, unless necessary, and therefore won't fight us." I nodded in understanding.

I walked down the stairs and Jeff pulled me aside. He patted the space next to him and said, "Do you have something to tie your hair up?" I pulled out the ribbon and showed it to him. "You're gonna want to tie you hair up. Wouldn't want to shear some of it off while training." I pointed to his long hair. "I'll be fine, I look fabulous no matter what happens. You? If your hair got sheared, well... it would look less okay than it does now."

I felt him pull my choppy, long hair back gently, and then tie it tightly with the ribbon. I stood up and he said, "There, now it looks a bit better."

"Thanks..." I said roughly. I then walked down the rest of the steps and Jeff and LJ rose from their spots. EJ walked down the stairs and drew BEN'S attention from his Gameboy. Everyone came out and stood around me. I put my earbuds in my ears and blasted "Holiday" by Green Day. I pulled out my drumsticks and spun them on my palms to the beat.

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