Chapter Seven- Funeral

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I visited Miles everyday that week until he died. He passed six days after he told me he was going to die. I spent a while in my room, laying on my bed, crying. I never ate, even when EJ brought me meals. I hardly played music, and never left my room for any reason.

BEN tried to convince me to come out and play video games, LJ asked if he could come in and comfort me. Even Jeff asked when I would come out and kill someone next, which was then followed by three loud smacks and a thud against the door.

Slender told me a week after Miles death that he needed to see me. I looked at myself in the mirror. My usually vibrant eyes were clouded with darkness and depression. My eyes were sunken and I looked exhausted. I sluggishly opened the door and saw EJ and LJ at the bottom of the stairs. They're heads looked up when they saw me and LJ's eyes widened. They charged up the stairs towards me. LJ buried me in a hug and tenderly held me. EJ asked me dearly if I was okay.

I backed out of LJ's grasp, nodded to EJ and walked to Slender's room. LJ looked heartbroken seeing that I wasn't wanting to be hugged. EJ didn't say a word. I knocked on the door and it opened. Slender stood there holding an envelope. He passed it to me and gently shut the door. I quickly opened it pulling out the construction paper inside. It had the words--

To: Morgan Ghouleki
You're invited to the funeral of Miles Nathan Griffin. It will be held on this Sunday at 9 pm. We would love it if you attended, and we will understand if you can't make it.

Thank you,
Ryder and Layla Griffin

I almost cried upon seeing it. And then I almost died. A loud voice shouted at me from directly behind me, "BOO!" And I jumped so much I hit the floor. Hearing a lot of laughter from where I was standing, I looked up to see BEN Laughing so hard his face was a fire engine red.

I wasn't laughing at all. In fact, I sent him a very sharp and nasty glare, which took him five seconds to realize I was doing before he stopped. I stood up as fast as I could so I can be alone in my room and get ready, since it was supposed to be tonight. Just as I stood, Jeff walked by and snatched the invite out of my hand. I reached out to grab it, but he held it up out of reach.

"You want it? Well, I wanna know what it is. Why are you so eager to hide it?" He said, still keeping it away from me.

EJ walked over and slapped him with some small, red, fleshy bag. It looked like a kidney. Jeff fell over and clutched his face in pain while EJ, nibbling on said kidney, handed me back the paper. Before he did though, he gave it a quick once over.

"I'm sorry for your loss." LJ came over and asked to see the paper. I showed it to him and he said, "Wait, was that who that kid was back at the...?"

I nodded firmly, trying not to cry. He put his arm around my shoulders and walked me back to my room. Before that, Jeff came over and snatched the invite from me again.

"Jeff, leave her alone!" LJ shouted at him. This was the first time ever that LJ had no smile and looked angry.

"Why, it's just a piece of paper? I can read it if I want." He said. LJ walked over and roundhouse kicked him in the face. Jeff dropped the paper as he fell from impact, and LJ took it from him. He handed it back to me before Jeff quickly recovered, yanking him by his collar, and holding him against a wall with his knife pressed to his throat.

"You think your tough, big guy? Well I got news for you. Your not, you can't defend people because your scared. So why be bold now? It was the wrong time buddy, and you messed with the wrong person." LJ looked terrified of Jeff in that moment. EJ and BEN ran over and pried Jeff off LJ.

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