Chapter Fourteen- Pain

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Hey guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently. I've been really busy with school and friends and my grades were bad. I needed to get my grades up and also juggle my friends problems at the same time so I had to drop Wattpad for a while. I'm back now and I'll try to do weekly updates again because it's SUMMER!(if a dancing Olaf appears there will be trouble...)
I hope you guys aren't too mad at me, and thank you for still reading this. It's great that people are.
If you're following me, I post messages on my profile so you should be receiving those. They talk about the voting in this story and the lack of updates.
Anyway, hope you guys are having a fantastic summer so far (this is day two technically for me), and let's get on with the story.

I kept wondering as I played my guitar, what's wrong with those two boys?

I played and played and played, thinking about LJ fighting with EJ over someone, the pictures in LJ's room. LJ'S scaring me, and I want to know why he's doing this. I have a feeling that something bad will happen if I try to get close again...

I played my guitar into the night a bit. I broke out of it when I heard a knock on the door. I slung my guitar over my shoulder and let it rest on my back. I opened the door and saw Jeff, a smile on his face and a solemn look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but let's get going," he said. I nodded firmly, put my guitar back where it belongs, and stepped out of the room.

I followed Jeff down stairs. He seemed less cocky to me, but I could be wrong. He seemed sad for me, or maybe just sad. I didn't know why, but I ignored it.

I stepped outside and saw BEN playing on his phone with a determined, yet constipated, looking face. LJ was looking sad, but he still had that smile on his face and he ate candy. EJ was standing next to a portal and on the other side, I could see that street I used to live on. Jeff walked over to BEN and watched him play, I kept going towards EJ.

EJ lead me through the portal and into the street. We stayed out of the street lights and in the darkness.

"Since we have to kill... Myles' parents... why don't you choose which one you'd rather eliminate and I'll take the other one?" He asked. I thought about it for a while and decided on his mom.

I climbed up a tree and found her window. She was brushing her hair with a solemn expression and her husband was reading our yearbook from last year. I guess he wanted to see Myles again...

Tears began to well up in my eyes, but I shook my head to get them off. This isn't a time to cry. EJ climbed up the tree next to me. Mrs. Griffin left the room and I followed her to where she went. EJ eerily waited for the next opportunity to kill Myles father.

Mrs. Griffin was sitting on the couch, her head in her hands. She looked at a picture of Kayleigh, Myles, and me. She stared at it and cried. I drummed the end beat to Welcome to the Black Parade and she looked in my direction. She looked out there for me, but I'd ducked under the window sill. I saw she'd turned around as I looked in again. I slowly and silently began to open the window. I heard the sound of fighting upstairs. It must've been EJ and Myles dad.

She looked up there and called out a few times, and then I pounced on her. I covered her mouth, held her against the wall with all my strength, and held a chain in my hand. I began to sing.

Good night
Sleep tight
Don't let the dead bite
Wrap a rope around your head
And watch you as you take flight

While I was singing, she'd lost her strength and grown limp. She fell asleep. As I continued to sing, I wrapped the chain around her neck and tied it to the wall like a noose. Then I got behind her and pushed her quick and hard, snapping her neck and killing her.

I might as well have added some words, but only good ones because she wasn't a bad person. I carved into her head "Doting" and into her stomach "Loyal".

I then climbed back out the window and saw EJ outside. He approached me and asked me if I was okay. Tears I'd been holding back spilled like a broken dam. EJ awkwardly reached out for me like he wanted to comfort me, but then he just clasped his hand on my shoulder and slowly rubbed it gently. He was trying at least, and that's what mattered.

BEN, Jeff, and LJ all came over and saw me crying and EJ trying. BEN came up to me quick and tackled me in a hug. LJ stood back and awkwardly scratched his head.

Jeff came up to me and said, "Good work, but I'm sorry you had to do that still. Though I would've done it better and less sloppy. But it was still okay for a second kill." Jeff seemed to gag saying I'm sorry. He tousled my hair. EJ smacked him over the head.

LJ looked jealously at BEN. If looks could kill, BEN would be very dead. BEN looked in my eyes and said, "That must've been an awful thing to do, why don't we play video games when we get home? I'll cheer you up, no problem." I smiled at his efforts. He gave me a big, childlike grin. He grabbed his phone and took me back to the mansion. EJ, Jeff, and LJ all showed up within the next ten seconds.

BEN and I went up to his room and played video games for a few hours, so about midnight. BEN looked at me, handed me a white rose, and said that I should go back to my room. I could be exhausted. I got up and left. I liked this little rose, it was so beautiful. I opened the door to my room and saw EJ with his back turned to me. I called out to him faintly and struggling, "EJ...?" He looked at me and walked up to me. He handed me a bouquet of black roses. I don't care what they symbolize, I love them. I took them from him gently and walked by him to put my flowers down. As I did so, I gave him a small peck on the cheek to say thank you. He stood there, seemingly stunned for a minute. He then left without a word.

I then put the flowers on my piano, got into my pajamas, and slipped into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out.


Hey guys. So this chapter was pretty good, but it was sweet and sour at the same time.

I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm later than I wanted to be.
Please read my conversation page update I did for all my stories. It applies to all of then, except one.

Thank you guys for reading and staying with the story and being patient.
I'm sorry if this chapter doesn't live up to your expectations.

Anyway, now for your basic authors note from me.

Jeff- 0
LJ- 2
BEN- 3
EJ- 4

Please vote in the comments. Thank you guys for reading again.
I'll see you all in the next chapter.



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