Chapter Twelve- First Date

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Where EJ took me was magnificent.

It was a small clearing on a hill in the woods that overlooked the gorgeously lit up city. The light of the sunset and the city intermingled and long shadows extended across everything. The greenery of the woods surrounded us and the light bounced off the leaves exquisitely. Everything was so beautiful.

I looked at EJ, with joy. His mask had an orange glow upon it and his hair was brilliantly glowing. Everything was beautiful.

He laid down the blue blanket gently, fixing the corners to be perfect. He then set the basket down and sits on the blanket, Indian style. He gestured for me to sit next to him. I sat down, legs folded under my butt and crossed, and looked at the view. EJ dug through the basket and pulled out two sandwiches. The one looked like and ordinary peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The other looked, odd. It looked like uncooked minced meat. He handed me the peanut butter and jelly one.

We ate in silence, enjoying the view of the city under the sunset and over the forest. EJ eventually spoke up, "Do you like this place?" It came out as a mumble to himself but I answered with a firm nod.

"It is really beautiful... H-Hey... I-I was wondering if... You know... you maybe wanted to play the piano for me once we got back...? Plus, we have to go on a killing spree tonight and it's not time yet. It's just to kill time, it's not because I want to." He said, shyly.

I scooted closer to him and nodded. He looked up at me. I wanted to remove his mask so I could see his expression, but he won't let me. He wrapped his arm tensly around me and pulled me against him.

We sat there, in comfortable silence. Happy. As he held me, I felt relaxed and and EJ eventually did so. My heart was racing a bit and I didn't want this to end.

Wasn't this how I felt about LJ? I think so. I don't think LJ would be good for me because of those drawings. It scares me, I don't know what to do.

EJ stood up and offered me his hand I took it and a breeze swept over us. The sun was almost down. The breeze felt cold upon my skin and I shivered. I wrapped my arms around myself. EJ picked up the blanket and wrapped it around me, then picked up the basket.

We walked back, his arm wrapped around me covered in a blanket, the other one holding the basket.

Once we got back EJ looked at me firmly and said, "PUNK, if I... erm... you know... kissed you... would that be too forward of me?" I shook my head firmly.

He snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me completely against his body. He lifted his mask up to reveal only the lower half of his face. His dark grey skin and lips didn't have a negative effect on me, not even the fact that some of his black paint from his mask ran down his face. He tilted my chin up ever do gently and leaned in close, I did the same. As we were enclosing on the kiss, BEN and Jeff came out being loud and a bother. Immediately we broke apart, nervous and awkward. Mostly embarrassed.

I began to walk up the steps and leave, going into my room. I folded up the blanket and put it on my bed. I sat at the piano, thinking to myself. I don't know which of then to pick. I'm so confused. I have to choose either EJ or LJ... if I choose LJ, I don't know what 'll happen. More pictures... I know that. If I choose EJ, then I'll be with a good guy, but I don't know if I'll be over LJ. I'm really confused.

I heard the door open and close, then shuffling feet. I turned around and saw EJ, walking towards me. He sat on the piano bench next to me and watched me play.

"We need to get ready for a killing spree. Also, Slender has some targets for you to take care of. He thinks you can handle it, but someone will have to go with you." He said clearly. He passed me an envelope. I opened it and pulled out the paper inside. It said,


Everything went black as I started to fall backwards.


I woke up in my bed, EJ standing over me, a wet cloth in his hand. He was wiping my forehead, the cloth cool upon my skin. He peered into my face, just staring.

"You've woken." He said. I started to get up, but he pushed me back down.

"You need more rest. I'll help you... erm... kill... Myle's parents at a later date. Don't worry, just relax and keep calm and rest." He said. I sat back up again and he reached over to my nightstand. He held a black bowl in his hands that held something like soup. He pulled a spoon out, filled with soup, and held it up to my lips. I opened my mouth and let him spoon feed me.

"I'm doing this for the better of you being a creepypasta, not because I care or anything..." he said as he fed me. I could've eaten the soup on my own, but I felt like letting him spoil me this time. He wiped my face with a napkin when I was done and set the bowl down.

"I can stay here if you want. I just have to do a couple things first." He said. I thought about it. LJ and I both had fallen asleep here once, could I give this up for EJ? I will, but do I need him here?

I feel safer with EJ here actually. I don't want to be alone because if I were alone, I feel like I wouldn't be able to make it. Like I would have more guilt full nightmares. I mouthed the word, stay, to EJ and he picked up the bowl.

He left the room for a good thirty minutes, so I had changed into my pajamas. EJ returned in his night wear.

He had black shorts, a loose-fitting black t-shirt, and black ankle socks. He climbed under the covers next to me and rolled over so his back faced me. I did the same.

As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the bed creak beside me and felt it move. An arm wrapped itself around my waist, holding me. It pressed me up against its owners body, and I felt my face flush a bit. My heart became flustered quickly.

Even so, I began to drift off to sleep...


Hey guys. Cute chapter huh? Better than all the heavy stuff prior to it. Thank you guys for reading and not hating.
Anyways, please vote using the comments or via poll.

So far the TV are...

Jeff- 0
EJ- 4
LJ- 2
BEN- 3

Anyway, see you guys next time.


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