Chapter 11

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Jack P.O.V

Many years ago when Jack was 13

I blasted the music as loud as I could to try and block out the screaming downstairs. My earbuds were practically exploding as I collapsed on my bed and did my best to push the world away.

My mom and sister were at it again. She resented my mom for divorcing my dad and putting us in poverty. Now she wanted to marry a wealthy businessman who my mom didn't approve of. Since she was only 17, my mom had to give permission before she could marry.

Suddenly I realized my little sister London was standing in my doorway, pressing her hands over her ears and tears glistening on her cheeks. I pulled off my headphones and walked over to her. She ran into my arms and sobbed into my chest.

She was only 10 and didn't deserve this home life. My mom brought guys home all the time, just trying to earn some extra money... disgusting. But there was no other way. And poor London... those men were never kind to her, seeing all children as pests. Others were more than mean... they could be abusive... or worse.

I guided her to my bed and let her climb on with me. Her sobs turned to sniffles and she gazed up at me.

"What's wrong Lon?" I asked.

She rubbed her eyes. "Amelia told me to shut up and go to hell..." she started crying again.

Anger boiled in my gut. It wasn't right for Amelia to cuss at her little sister. It had happened before, and I seriously wanted to punch her in the face. We'd never been close as siblings, and this was getting too close to home.

I clenched my jaw and turned to London."Don't listen to her. She's being an idiot. I'm gonna go... talk... to her. Stay here okay?"

She clutched my hand. "Don't let her hurt you."

"Why would she?" I asked suspiciously.

She revealed a bruise on her wrist. "She hurt me."

That's it.

I told London to stay put and stalked to my sisters room. Amelia was dragging her cigarette and leaning out her window. I walked right behind her and shoved her... hard.

The girl year old spun on me with anger in her face. "What the... Jack what even? I could have fallen!"

"And good riddance!" I screamed.

She snarled. "What's wrong with you?!"

"You had no right you touch London!" I got in her face. "If you ever hurt her again I'll-"

"You'll what?" She sneered.

I curled my lip and tried to keep from breaking down. "I'll kill you."

She laughed. "Sure you will."

I was being crazy but I didn't care. No one, no one, hurts my sister. I lashed out with my fist and caught her lip. It split, and blood trickled down the side of her mouth. "I MEAN IT!"

She touched her busted lip and slapped me. "Get out." She hissed.

But I wasn't done. "I WILL PROTECT LONDON WITH EVERY PART OF ME! AND IF YOU EVER SPEAK TO HER LIKE THAT AGAIN..." I took a shaky breath. "I'll turn you in for the drugs you stole."

Her eyes widened. "Jack... we made a deal."

"I don't care. Leave London alone. If you have a problem... fight me. Not her."

Then I turned on my heel and left.

London was still on the bed where I left her. She lifted her red eyes and ran to me. "Are you okay? I heard her yell at you."

I kneeled down and hugged London hard. "I love you." I whispered. "And I promise to always protect you."

She hugged my neck. "I love you to, Jack."

I raised my head and kissed her forehead. She touched my cheek and I flinched.

"She hurt you." Her lip quivered.

I brushed London's hair back from her face. "I know. But she'll never touch you again, I promise."

London kissed my cheek. "I trust you."

Christine P.O.V

I darted through the alley, glancing behind my shoulder to assure no one was following me. I was desperately trying to make it on foot to the next safe house. But I had only been going for a few days and hadn't made good time. Recruiters were everywhere and food was getting more and more scarce. I stumbled along, so hungry, tired and thirsty. My biggest challenge was the heat. One thing that hasn't changed in 80 years is Vegas is still in the middle of desert. The only food was the snacks at gas stops, and even those were rare. Mostly, I missed Jack. I loved him more than anything. He was all I had left and he was gone. I sobbed uncontrollably sometimes just to stay conscious. As I staggered down the road I saw a dark figure coming toward me. I glanced around in a panic for somewhere to hide, considering the past people on this road hadn't been very friendly. The road was completely barren of vegetation and buildings. I was totally vulnerable.

As the figure grew nearer, I began to make out features. Dark hair, sharp jawline. Oh my gosh... it was Blake... my brother.

I screamed out and ran to him. "Blake!"

He stopped in his tracks and pulled out a gun from his belt.

"No Blake! It's me!" I was almost laughing with relief.

Suddenly the laugh caught in my throat and I stopped running. Blake's eyes were blank, no recognition at all.

"Blake?" I asked, warily.

He continued to raise the gun. Panic rose in my throat and I choked on a sob. "Blake no!" I screamed as the gun went off. My body collapsed on the ground, the taste of blood began to fill my mouth.

Blake looked at me with cruel eyes. It was then I realized he was wearing camo pants and a white T-shirt with combat boots. He was a recruiter, I should've seen it sooner. Why else would he just happen to be here? But he had to know me... I was his sister.

"Blake," I managed. "Don't you know me?"

He snorted. "No. Should I?"

Blackness started swirling around my head. I was dying.

The last thing I heard was Blake talking into an earpiece. "Chaos? Yeah the girl is dead."

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