Chapter 1

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Madalyn P.O.V

I'd been on my own for three days now.

Ever since the destruction of my home town of Phoenix, Arizona, it has been almost impossible to survive. All of the buildings I used to see everyday were now reduced to rubble, and the streets were blocked with ruins. I had to fight for my life all by myself. I didn't know where my family was, and my friends were missing too. I was terrified, but I didn't let the fear get to me, I was a completely void of emotion, just for the sake of my sanity. It was the only way to survive. And surviving was the only thing that mattered.

I was venturing through the parking lot of a completely demolished shopping center, just to find somewhere safe to stay, even for only for a night. Nowhere in town was safe for more than a few hours, especially with the recruiters lurking and taking men to fight in their army. They would take boys and men to join their forces, and if they refused to fight on their side, they would kill their loved ones until they cooperated. If they came across someone like me, a seventeen year old girl who was all on her own, who knows what they would do. They would either kill me on the spot, or take me to use as leverage.

The sun was setting over the once beautiful mountain range, I needed somewhere safe to hide for the night. I entered an almost-destroyed grocery store, hoping to find a safe place. The ceiling was collapsed but the walls were somewhat intact. As I was scrounging around for leftover cans of food, I heard two sets of footsteps entering the dilapidated building. I ducked behind the nearest pile of shelving remains and hoped they didn't notice me. I found myself silently praying that they weren't recruiters.

"I think this would be the safest place to stay for now..." Said one of the mysterious voices. I let out a sigh of relief...this meant they weren't recruiters. Didn't mean they weren't trouble.

"Yeah, maybe there's some canned food leftover to eat." The other voice replied. I almost screamed as I covered my mouth in shock. This voice was not a mysterious one. It was the voice I heard almost everyday before this disaster happened. The voice that made me laugh, the voice that made me smile, the voice that comforted me whenever I was upset. He was alive. I was no longer alone.

I leapt out from behind my hiding spot so I was completely exposed. "Jack!?"

"No way." He spun around and looked in my direction in shock.

He stood about 30 feet away from me, near the entrance. Standing at his side was Alex, his best friend and I silently punished myself for not recognizing his voice earlier. It wasn't until Jack started talking that my mind clicked. They looked unclear in the dim evening light, but I could see that they were dressed the same as when we had been separated, and thankfully they looked like they had no major injuries.

Jack ran towards me. "Madalyn!"

I ran to him and practically fell into his embrace. He hugged me tighter than ever before; so tight that my toes lifted off the ground. His hug was warm in the chilly air.

"You're're okay...we're okay" he repeated to himself as he held me tight.

Suddenly all of the emotions I had held back the past three days washed over me and I started to sob quietly into his chest. I couldn't decide if it was out of happiness, sorrow...or just fear. I had put away every terrifying thought for the purpose of survival, but now, after seeing a familiar face in the midst of so much fear, every emotion came to me at once. "I'm so sorry" I sobbed. "They took your sister..."

His grasp lightened as he stiffened, But he remained silent.

I pulled away from him. "I'm so sorry, I meant to help her but the recruiters got her first... I didn't know what to do and I just-" I felt like I was talking a million miles per hour as I choked on each breath. The cold wind rushed through the open building, making me want to hug him again.

"" He muttered. "I thought both of you were dead...I almost lost my mind because I couldn't protect either of you." He looked angry, but also like he was about to fall apart. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut, like he was trying not to break down. "She was only fifteen...I was supposed to take care of her, I was supposed to take care of you...But she's gone now and you've been on your own this whole time..." He shook his head and rubbed his fingers through his hair. "Madalyn, I was so afraid..."

I wiped my eyes and tried to put on a strong face.

"Are you okay though?" He put his hands on my shoulders and studied my face in concern. I winced as he stroked the large gash on my arm. "You're not. You're hurt."

Our eyes met. "I know, but it's okay. Trust me, I'm fine."

Jack gazed into my eyes for a few moments more. His short brown hair was messier than usual, and his clothes were ripped, but his stormy blues eyes glistened like they always have.

For a second, I thought he was going to kiss me, but it must have been my mind playing tricks on me. I strongly doubted he felt for me the same way I did him.

Jack smiled. "Well, you're not alone anymore, you have us now." He motioned to Alex who appeared next to us.

"Thank God," I sighed as I ran to Alex and gave him a quick hug.

The first thing I noticed about him was the giant bruise on his forehead, which brought me back to the day we were separated. "I hate to break up the happy reunion," Alex said. "but...I think the recruiters are coming." Suddenly an explosion thundered in the distance. "They're only trying to cause chaos, but I'm guessing their still looking for more soldiers. Means we gotta get out of here as soon as possible."

Jack nodded quickly. "The wall's broken down in the back, we can get out that way." We ran out of the store while grabbing some left behind cans of food as the explosive noises got louder. We ran as fast as we could through abandoned parking lots until we couldn't hear the explosions anymore. We came to a halt at a collection of dilapidated shops and restaurants. The ground was a mix of rubble and ash, and the air smelled faintly like smoke. Maybe it wasn't too long ago that this area was bombed. I gazed around the area, a familiar area that is. I focused in on one building in particular, a popular clothing store called The Box, my former place of employment.

"We can hide in here." I stated. I knew the store like the back of my hand, and all about the secret closets and rooms that would be perfect for hiding.

Jack gave me a questioning look. "Are you sure? I know you used to work don't need to be traumatized anymore..."

"I'll be okay." I promised.

I was wrong. As we entered the demolished clothing store, I noticed my boss's lifeless body strewn across the floor. Blood stains splattered across the tile. I let out a shriek and I covered my mouth in shock. Jack and Alex stopped and stared at the mess in horror. Sure, I've seen a lot of scenarios like this the past three days, but this was my boss...I knew him very well.

I felt Jack's hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Alex kneeled down and studied the body for any signs of life. "The recruiters have already been here. they must've tried to force him into service but he refused so they shot him on the spot. At least that's what I'm guessing happened. Long story short, if they find us, we're dead."

"But we're safe now, right? Because they obviously have already been here." Jack stammered.

"I think-" Alex was cut off by the sound of footsteps and gunshots coming in our direction. "Shoot." He gulped. "Literally."

I wandered to the corner of the store where I found a closet hidden by rubble and charred drywall. "Over here, guys. We can hide."

Jack ran to my side. "Okay." He quaked. I could tell he was afraid, which was very different from what I was used to. He crawled into the cramped space and motioned for me to join him. I could hear the recruiters nearing as I crouched into the hiding place.

Alex looked panicked. "Are you going to make room for me or just leave me here to die!?" He exclaimed a little too loudly.

"Sorry," I muttered as I bridged the gap between me and Jack. We were now unbelievably close. So close that I could feel his heart racing as fast as mine.

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