Chapter 13

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Jack P.O.V

The recruiters shoved us into a orderly line and began to check us off.

Anderson whispered to me."Jack... please... save my sister."

I clenched my teeth and nodded. "I swear... you'll see her again."

Anderson grasped my shoulder quickly in thanks and suddenly whirled on Trevor.

"You idiot!" He hissed. "Do you see what you've done?"

"Me?!" Trevor said indignity.

Anderson shoved Trevor into a wall and raised his fist.

Maven called out. "Anderson stop!"

Recruiters interfered and pushed the boys away from each other. Finally the 12 of us were pushed down a long hallway. It was totally white with no windows and only fluorescent lights. The air seemed to get noticeably colder and intimidating steel doors stood on each side of the hallway. I began to realize that I was in a lab... and I was the one being tested on. The smell of bleach grew stronger as we entered in one of the rooms. Two doctors stood in the room, each was checking chemicals and tools. We were locked in a cage except for one young man. He was laid on an operating table. He looked at me as they strapped him down.

"Please... no." He whispered, shivering.

One of the doctors pulled out a scalpel and turned toward the young man. I couldn't look. I heard a scream, then a gasp and silence. I stared in horror at the young man. He stood up and flexed his body. His eyes no longer looked human. They were darker and more empty.

The boys around me sucked in their breath, and Maven screamed. One of the guards posted around our cage grinned at her.

"You're a pretty little thing, aren't you? To bad you'll die..." He reached into the cage and stroked her cheek.

I shoved between them and punched the cage. "Back off."

The second doctor spoke to the young man, "Who are you?"

"I am a soldier."

"Good. Who do you serve?"


The doctor smiled under his mask. "Get to headquarters soldier."

The newly born recruiter stood and walked off in some sort of trance.

I ground my teeth. This wasn't fair to any of us. I wouldn't be like him. I'd fight it... I would win.

"Jack Taylor."

I stood strong as they lead me to the table.

"Wait." Said knew of the the head recruiters. "The mistress wants to see him."

A dead silence fell over the room. I began to wonder why this mistress, whoever she was, wanted to see me? The recruiter put some handcuffs on me and pulled me along to the end of the hall. There we entered an elevator and went up for 4 stories. When we got off, we appeared to be in just another white hallway but much shorter with only one door at the end. The recruiter dragged me along and opened the door.

We entered a beautiful room, with huge windows and a couch, but no other furnishing. A young woman sat on the couch, she glanced up and smiled.

I knew that face. Those cruel eyes, those twisted lips. The long black hair that swept over her shoulders. The cold blue eyes. The small scar on her lip. The one I'd given her.

"Hello jack."



I lunged at her, but my recruiter held me captive. "You!" I growled. "What are you doing here? Where are my friends?!"

She twirled a strand of hair around her fingers lazily. "Remember Geoffrey? Well, once I married him, it turned out he was one of the top leaders of Chaos. Quite ironic actually... oh you're friends? Hm... well honestly I don't know. I sent out recruiters to kill them and they don't fail. So yes. They're dead."

I strained against the chains. "You're lying!" I felt my voice raise to a scream. They couldn't be dead. They were my friends! Family even. I struggled, longing to bust her lip again. Suddenly I was a little boy again. Wishing I could just be happy. Now my life was falling apart. Then I remembered... "Where's London?!"

Her face contorted in a smile. "Ah! Our little sister. Well... who needs siblings. But Jack... I just wanted to see you again before you were recruited." She stood and walked close to my face. Her breath smelled of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

I tried to steady my breathing. "Where's London?" It was no more than a horse whisper. But I could feel rage dripping from the words.

She smiled. "When we recruit men, the first thing we do is send them out to kill their loved ones. It kind of assures their loyalty. Well... guess who I'll program you to kill?"

The threat almost knocked me to the floor. The depth of her words hit straight home and pure rage flowed through me. Program? What a sick word. Humans were not computer software... we were not robots. I ripped away from the recruiter and locked my hands around Amelia's throat. She choked, obviously surprised I'd broken free. I lifted her so her feet didn't touch the ground.


Suddenly I felt the recruiter forcing me away. As I turned to fend him away, Amelia dropped to the ground. She grasped her neck and coughed.

"Take him away." She hissed.

Wrath rippled through my muscles seeing her still alive. But I'd almost kept my promise. If she touched London, I would kill her.

Recruiters dragged me away back to the lab room. Maven and I were the only ones left. All my hope had left me. My friends were dead. I had nothing to lose. Maven was forced out of the cage. Just when the recruiter was about to close it, I slammed into him. He toppled to the ground in a heap, groaning. More men came to try and stop me, but I was on a role. I punched, kicked, maybe even judo flipped one guy. It didn't matter what I did as long as I distracted them. I can't remember... it was all a blur of red.

I vaguely remember screaming to Maven, "Run!"

But I never saw if she made it. All I know is that at one point one of the doctors stabbed me with a needle and the world faded away.

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