Chapter 17

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Madalyn P.O.V

"Mad... remind me again how you know where Chaos base is?" Alex groaned.

I rolled my eyes. "Jace told us that the nearest one is in San Francisco, right outside the city."

"But my feet hurt!"

I ignored Alex's whining and turned back to my computer. I'd managed to get information about where Chaos' San Fransisco base was, but that was very iffy... the file was super old.

At the moment, Alex and I had taken refuge at a dilapidated bus station. But I wasn't to sure if it had ever been nice, considering busses hadn't been popular for at least 20 years. I settled back against the wall of the station and Alex lay there complaining. I missed Jack. We both did. I'd been working on this hack for almost two days.

"Madalyn..." Alex's voice was suddenly cold and nervous.

I glanced up. I followed his gaze to two figures staggering along through the desert. Alex and I were both wary of strangers, even just a normal civilian could be dangerous. Starvation and thirst could do strange things to a person's mind. Alex stood and prepared for the worst while I put away the computer.

"Get behind me." Alex ordered.

I folded my arms. "I'm not a child."

He glanced at me. "I know... but I don't know who these people are, and I swore to keep you safe. I'm not breaking that promise."

I took the hint and crouched behind his big body. One thing I will say about Alex is he is extremely muscular, I guess it came from being quarterback on our school team for 4 years. But he's a nice guy to have around, considering I'm pretty slim and small. I could barely throw a fist, not to mention hold my own in a real fight.

Alex called out to the figures as they approached, "Who are you?"

They stopped and a male voice shouted. "We just need shelter and food! Please... my girlfriend is hurt."

Alex looked at me. I nodded and he jogged out to help the guy out with the girl that he was supporting. I walked up to the guy, he looked about my age with big round glasses and floppy brown hair that was ruffled and blackened. His face had black smudges on it but he reminded me so much of the type of guy London would have fallen for. Suddenly a thought popped into my head and I glanced at the girl. No... I don't know why I thought it would be her but.... I shook my head and looked back at the boy.

"Who are you?"

He smiled slightly. "I'm Trevor.... Trevor Dudley."

I held out my hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Madalyn, sorry we seemed a little aggressive, but you never know who you'll meet out here."

The girl moaned as Alex sat her on a bench. Trevor went to her and felt her forehead. "This is Maven, she's hasn't been doing so well since we escaped the camp. Thanks for helping us."

"What camp?" Alex asked.

Trevor motioned in the general direction of south. "We were at a small recruiter base towards San Fransisco. But there was a mass escape and we almost made it."

"Almost?" I said.

"Yeah," Trevor sighed. "Her brother was killed."

Alex and I glanced at each other. "I'm sorry." We said in unison.

Trevor shrugged. "Don't apologize to me. I didn't know him that well."

"Wait..." I held up a hand. "I thought girls weren't meant to be recruited?"

Trevor's face fell. "Yeah... when her brother was kidnapped he snuck her in with him. We hid her for weeks in the wall until we got caught. The guards planned to kill her by infecting a drug in her bloodstream. But thank god this guy saved her... he didn't even know her. It's nice to know there are still good people around."

Alex and I glanced at each other. Alex moved closer to Trevor. "Who was he?"

Trevor slouched to a sitting position on the wall. "I think his name was Jake? No... Jack! Yeah Jack Taylor."

I gasped and grabbed Alex's shirt sleeve. "Oh my gosh... he's alive."

"Who?" Trevor glanced up. "Jack Taylor? Is he a friend of yours?"

"Yes! Yes he is!" I was almost sobbing. The nerve of Jack... worrying me like this. If we found him, I'd kill him.

Trevor shook his head. "Than you'd better get out of the country. Jack is a recruiter now. Unfortunately they send new recruiters on a mission to kill their loved ones to prove their loyalty."

My smile faded suddenly. "No... Jack wouldn't...."

"Oh yes he would." Alex's face was bitter. "If I know jack he is all about strong emotions. If this chip send signals to his brain... he'll obey them with all of his soul."

I bit my lip to hold back a sob... it did no good. Hot tears traced their way down my face. Jack was gone... I'd been foolish to think I could save him...let alone everyone. I collapsed into Alex and he gathered my up and placed me inside on a bench. "Shhh... I'll protect you. You need to rest anyways." He whispered.

I heard the faint sounds of Trevor and Alex talking until I finally drifted off into sleep.


I awoke to the smell of sulfur and smoke. My sleepy mind spun as I staggered to my feet. Suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist. Alex pulled me back down.

"Madalyn... it's just Trevor and Maven. They built a fire. It's the middle of the night... just go back to sleep." I suddenly realized I was no longer on a bench but a makeshift cot Alex had constructed from cushions and what appeared to be hay?

How did he get hay in Nevada? I thought sleepily.

Alex's body lay next to mine, obviously asleep again already. I lay on my back and stared at a dilapidated ceiling. I found myself listing to the hushed whispers of Maven and Trevor.

"I miss him Trevor..." a feminine voice sighed, that must be Maven.

"I know love... but we're safe right now. These kids seem nice..." a note of concern filled Trevor's voice.

"What's wrong?" Asked maven.

"I dunno... I guess it's just sad. They're only teenagers. I mean, so are we... and we've all lost so much. I just wish this whole Chaos thing was a dream. Things were so good before all of it. In fact, they were amazing. Then... boom. Literally. My family was blown to bits in a raid... I never even got to say goodbye. Don't you wish you could just have one last goodbye?"

I heard a slight sniffle from Maven. "Of course I do! Oh Trevor! I always read about war... I never thought I'd be in the middle of one. It's awful how families are being ripped apart. I just can't stand it!"

"I know darling... I know..." Trevor comforted.

I found my own eyes tearing up. I felt so helpless in that moment. So vulnerable. I cuddled into the blanket covering me and tried to sleep. But I couldn't.

Even if I lived through this hellish life... I'd never sleep soundly again.

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