Chapter 16

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Maven P.O.V

I sprinted down the corridor, breathing hard. I glanced behind me at the sound of Jack trashing the lab, when suddenly all was quiet. I yelped as I smashed into someone in front of me. I glanced up at Anderson's face. He grabbed my arm and we ran toward the bunker rooms. The door was kicked open and young men were flooding out, yelling and looking for an exit.

"Anderson!" I screamed over the voices. "Where's Trevor?"

Anderson continued pulling me down the hallway. "I don't know, Maven... but right now all we need to do is escape!"

This was insane... we couldn't escape this compound... it was a huge stone building surrounded by a circular concrete wall with towers every 50 feet. Recruiters would swarm us before we got 10 yards away. In fact, I could see them coming now. They rushed down the corridor and began to shove men together. If they didn't cooperate... they died.

Suddenly I felt Trevor by my side. The three of us began running towards the end of the hall. There, we boarded an elevator and Anderson smashed his hand on the 1 level button.

I slumped against Trevor and he kissed my forehead. Anderson grumbled and rolled his eyes. "Guys... we need to concentrate on getting out alive. Come on."

Trevor and I exchanged amused looks and I smiled, knowing that only he could make me laugh during the apocalypse. "Anderson, how will we get out?"

"Simple. We find the exit, and while the guards are distracted by the men escaping, we jump three and take their uniforms. Then get a truck and head out." He looked so confident.

Trevor frowned. "There are so many variables in that plan Anderson... that's a 24% it'll work."

Anderson grit his teeth. "Look brainy, I have a plan. You have a better one?"

"Actually-" Trevor began.

Anderson cut him off. "I don't care. I'm getting out and taking my sister with me. If you want to tag along fine."

When the elevator doors slid open, two recruiters were waiting to go up. The surprise on their face was soon wiped off and replaced with rage as Anderson punched each of them in turn, knocking them out. Then he pulled off their uniforms and thrust one to Trevor.

"We are recruiters escorting a girl to die. It's a messy business so we need to do it outside the compound."

Trevor nodded nervously. And they each grabbed one of my wrists after dressing. And we stalked toward the entrance. Recruiters were going mad, more bunkers had been opened by mistake it seemed and young men were trying to escape. One young recruiter was talking rapidly to an officer about someone named Madalyn.

I thought nothing of it at the time, since I was more concerned with being dragged by my brother and boyfriend through a boot camp. We passed the training grounds and were so close to the entrance.

So close.

Then the building exploded. A gasoline truck had smashed into the ammunition stalk, and the impact caused the building to explode. Considering all the chemicals in there, it would be impossible to save anyone. Trevor and I began to run and I realized Anderson was lying on the ground. I screamed and pulled away from Trevor.

"Maven! No!"

I knelt next to the bleeding figure of my brother. "Anderson..." I whispered.

He reached up to touch my face. But his figures fell loose, leaving a streak of blood down my neck. I glanced around for someone to help. No one even stopped except Trevor. The world began to swirl.

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