Chapter 24

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Madalyn P.O.V

Jack drove, since he was the only one of us who had a license and Alex called shotgun. But then London gave him a dirty look and he let me sit up front. I was looking at a map in the glove compartment of the teal minivan and found one of our area.

"Head west. Then we'll find a highway that'll lead us straight to Los Angeles." I directed Jack. I'd always been good with directions.

"Don't all highways lead to Los Angeles?" Jack chuckled.

"'Oh my god! Look at that face... you look like my next mistake!'" Alex belted the lyrics to the song,very off key I might add. "Life is a game, wanna plaaaaaaaay!?"

London groaned, clutching her ears. "Ewww! I wanna listen to Fall Out boy."

"They broke up last year!" Alex protested.

She crossed her arms. "Better that some girl named Tyler smith!"

"It's Taylor Swift, Lenny!" Alex whined.

I swung around to face the back seat. "I will turn this van around if you two don't shut up! I swear I will leave you both to radioactive mahicans on a nuclear testing sight!"

They shut up.

Unfortunately, the quiet was brief as a song called you belong with me came on. Alex started to scream the lyrics again and London complained about the lack of good singers in the car.

"Hey Alex, who sings this song?" London smirked.

He glanced at her. "Taylor Swift."

"Well let's keep it that way!" She shouted with glee.

He shouted in frustration and yelled in my ear. "Maaaaaaaaaadalyn! London's being mean."

"Oh my gosh, I don't care!" I growled. "Jack, I'm considering having kids."

He chuckled, just turning onto the deserted highway. "Just ignore them. They're both doing this to bug you, you know."

"They're what?" I shrieked at the back seat.


The car was quiet for the next mile except for Tyler Smith, singing. She seemed to talk about her ex's a lot. Talk about obsession. As we drove, the sky began to darken and rain drops patterned on the windshield.

Jack spoke to the car, "Turn of windshield wipers."

The spongy blades whirred, throwing shadows on the dashboard. When I finally looked in the backseat, London was curled up against Alex while he stared out the window. I sighed at the peace. Finally, dilapidated buildings and rubble came into view. The occasional figure was usually a confused recruiter or a homeless man, looking for warmth in the rain. Jack would always shout at them that there was a way to escape but most gave him blank looks, staring through the car. My phone buzzed and a notification popped up.

Last two planes leaving at San Francisco in 5min.

Evacuation of U.S. continues.

All CPO personal report immediately.

"Jack, hurry." I whimpered.

He pulled into an airport. "I'm trying babe, I'm trying."

"Sorry." I shook my head. "I didn't mean to say that out loud."

He took a deep breath. "Hold on."

I barely had time to grab my arm rest when he flattened a chain link fence that lead onto a runway. There we saw two planes, next to each other with streams of people loading on them. Jack parked the car a few yards away from them.

"Come on guys." He said sullenly.

We got out and jogged towards the planes. Men in black suits directed traffic.

"The left plane is to Japan." They repeated over and over ,like some kind of chant. "The right is to Britain."

My heart was pounding and I grabbed Jack's hand. "Which one?"

"Japan." He looked grim. "Right?"

Alex headed for it. "Yeah. Let's go."

We pushed our way through the crowd and got to the plane. Suddenly shouts broke out in the distance and a group of former recruiters began to run towards the planes, shooting to kill. The men in suits each hefted assault rifles and began to shoot back.

"Wait!" Madalyn cried. "Chaos was taken destroyed, these are innocent men!"

One of the men looked at her. "Nah, see the chips were disabled but any man who was a recruiter is very unstable. We cannot allow them to get on a plane. The men shooting have been here before."

I gripped Jacks arm and stared at him in terror.

"Come on!" Jack cried, in a panic. "Let's go to Japan."

We were just getting on when a man rushed onto the plane and shoved London off, taking her place in the packed jet. Jack shouted and I screamed, but Alex took action. He grabbed the man's collar and punched him in the face. I gasped, noticing the dark expression on his face.

"No one touches her!" He screamed at the man, smashing him to the ground. "I have come too far to see my friends get left behind!"

I turned and hid my face in Jack's chest and the last bit of our innocents died. It died as Alex killed a man with his fists. Something inside him broke and he completely lost it.

When he turned back to us, his eyes were almost black from bloodlust. Blood spattered his fist and face. None of it his own. He reached out for London but the plane roared its engine and began to move. Alex shouted in dismay, not knowing weather to be with London of us.

"Go!" London screamed. "I'll go to Britain and you stay with them!"

She hopped on the other plane and Alex took off after ours. We reached out and he latched onto our arms. We pulled him up and slammed the door shut. We lay on the floor, panting. Other passengers stared at us. Three teenagers who had covered half the south-west to stay together, now broken by an early take off.

Jack was at the window, staring at the other plane, just taking off. London was there... not here. We stared at the other jet's windows, looking for London. I caught a glimpse of her long blonde hair but that was it. At least we were all safe. A loud shot from the ground skimmed the Britain jet and the tail swung wildly.

"No!" Jack screamed.

The jets parted directions and we had no idea if they would make it or not. Finally, we calmed down. All of us were shaken. I sat between Jack and Alex on the floor since all the seats were taken. Most people stared at Alex like he was a maniac, which he sort of was since he'd just committed murder.

I stared out the window, hot tears forming in my eyes.

I felt Jack put his arm around me and kiss my temple. "Hey.... it's over now."

"No..." I shook my head. "No it's only just beginning."

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