Chapter 18

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Jack P.O.V

"Go north from here... find the girl, she'll be at a bus station. Find her... then kill her. Finally, return here and report back to me."

That's what he told me. This voice in my head. The one that never stopped. This voice that told me everything I needed to know, this voice that controlled my every move. This voice that was so merciless.

I was ordered to join a group of recruiters heading north. We passed Area 51... the biggest lab and command center in America. All of Chaos was centered there. If it was destroyed, Chaos would be crippled. Not dead, but crippled.

I sat as still and as quietly as possible in the back of the truck, surrounded by other men just like me. Sent out to kill... destroy... recruit. But it wasn't just an order. I wanted to raze. It felt like my own will. I wanted this Madalyn girl dead. If I'd ever known her, I sure didn't now. Who cared who she was. I didn't. She was just another target.

Alex P.O.V

Trevor scowled. "Hack the Chaos computer? It sounds impossible."

"I know but stay with me!" Madalyn begged. "With your help I know I- we can do it!"

Trevor and Madalyn continued to discuss technology and I stood guard outside. I stared off into the distance. Things looked pretty normal. Desert... desert... tumbleweed... desert. I crossed my arms and leaned on a support beam. I hadn't told The others yet, but supplies were getting low. Soon we would run out of provisions. I didn't want to move, but it seemed inevitable. Suddenly, Maven appeared at me side. I jumped, she was so slim and quick...

"Alex..." she whispered. "The water is almost gone."

So... she was quick witted as well. "I know... we need to keep moving; unfortunately."

Maven pursed her lips and gazed into the desert. "It seems so big... where will we go?"

"I don't know. Probably North to San Fransisco. Or to the next uninhabited rest stop." I shrugged.

Maven paced up and down the payment booths. I didn't like the way things were going. It made me... suspicious. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Just... something changed. Maybe it was the rising wind... or the dusty horizon. It just... oh god no...

Every muscle in my body began to tighten. I almost stumbled as I sprinted back to Madelyn and Trevor.

"Madalyn!" I yelled.

She glanced up and me from her seat on the floor. "What?"

"Dust storm is coming this way... we need to leave... NOW."

Her face filled with fear. "Oh no... Alex which way is it coming?"

"The South. We have to head North... thank god."

"But I haven't completed the hack yet! And can't we just stay here?" Her hands began to shake.

I glanced up to the ceiling, suddenly beginning to creak and moan. "No... it will collapse on our heads. Now let's go!"

She slapped the computer closed and stuffed it in her backpack. "Okay..."

Trevor held up his hands. "Wait... what's going on?"

"No time to explain." I rummaged around until I found a seat cushion. I began to rip off the cloth. "Here." I shoved the strips of cloth to maven, Madalyn and Trevor before getting one for myself. "Tie it around your nose and mouth."

To Madalyn and I, this was nothing knew. I expected Maven and Trevor to be bewildered, but they held their own.

"We lived in Texas for two years." She explained.

Trevor adjusted his glasses. "I don't see how we can outrun a dust storm."

"We can't..." I explained. "Our only hope is to outrun it until we find better shelter."

Trevor looked sceptical, but all talk ceased as we began to jog north.

The wind wasn't to bad yet, but I heard a slight yell from Maven. I glanced where she was pointing and almost screamed myself. Dust, clouded the sky behind us, blocking out the sun and gaining on us quickly. Madalyn stumbled and I helped her up. She grabbed my arms and stared at me wildly. I didn't catch her muffled words but I think she said:

"Alex, it's over..."

Her legs gave out and she began to fall again. I caught her just in time, then pulled her to her feet.

"Pull it together Madalyn!" I called over the wind.

She gazed up at me and nodded. "Ok..."

We ran on. I cursed Nevada for not having more cities. The dust began to sting our faces and I started to wish I had trevors glasses. Those things were so thick...

Finally, through the dirt I saw a gas station. Thank God... we sprinted for it.

As we entered the building I realized it was uninhabited. Which was odd... in fact the whole place was pretty sketchy. The room was dark and surprisingly quiet. Madalyn and Maven both collapsed. Trevor ripped off his mask and gasped for air. We were all breathing hard, while wind and dusk pummeled the walls. I glanced through the tiny store and found still plenty of food. The whole place seemed untouched from the bombings and elements.

I didn't like it.

Call me suspicious, but I didn't trust anything that was nice anymore. Maybe after everything I'd been through, and all the things I'd seen, I had gotten jaded. I frowned at nothing in particular and turned to say something when a scream rang out.

I spun around to Madalyn. She stood, hoisted to her feet by a boy... with combat boots, camo pants and a white t-shirt. He held a gun to her throat as she panted for air.

His grin was so familiar, but so menacing. I caught my breath and clenched my fists. His brown eyes grazed the room, focusing on me, then Trevor.

"Traitor." he spat.

Trevor backed away, pushing Maven behind himself. "Is it so treacherous to want freedom?"

The man growled, pressing the gun deeper into Madalyns throat.

I stepped forward, trying to control my anger. "Hello Jack."

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