Chapter 14

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Madalyn P.O.V

I sat on the small cot, typing furiously into a apple 2y. Out of all the hacks I've ever done, this had to be the biggest. But my dad... it made me miss him. Who knew where my family was at this point. I just wished I could be seen them one last time. I smiled remembering old days when we thought the world wouldn't end. Well... look at us now.

Suddenly a jerk in to cot made me look up. It was just Alex, sitting next to me.

"Hey Mad... anything yet?"

I shrugged. "You wish. The whole system is a mess, whoever did this security programming was a genius. I don't know how he got it like this! I mean... it's such a different strategy. But it makes it impossible. Software is on point though. Ugh, but the wifi sucks."

He blinked. "English please."

"Basically, the computer is complex and I can't access the files unless I'm actually at the original computer."

Alex laughed. "Well, it's not like we can stroll into Chaos headquarters and ask to use the computer. 'Excuse me chaos? Can we use this?' And they're like, 'what's the little word that gets things done?'"

I tapped my fingers lightly on the keys. "I doubt that is how it will go down, but more or less... yeah that's what we're doing."

The laugh caught in his throat. "What? Madalyn I was kidding."

Stellar, finally free from her brothers, sat next to me. "Okay... but can you access anything besides the chip database? Like the recruiting procedure, for example. It's not as important, so it shouldn't have such an intense security system."

"That's true..." I mumbled, starting to type again.

I went into my little trance, but was vaguely aware of what was going on around me. Alex and Justin sat at the table and... did something, I don't know. Stellar watched over my shoulder. She didn't have much to do since Jace had left. He had promised to relax security, but other then that he couldn't do much for us.

I laughed suddenly. "Oh my gosh! It worked. I'm into the recruiting procedure... I can look at anything I want. This is great!"

"Can you access the chips?" Alex asked.

I shook my head. "The software is different on that one. But..."

My voice trailed off as I read the few paragraphs on the screen. My whole body began to shake slightly and I turned my face to Alex.

He sat next to me and rubbed my shoulder. "Hey... hey... it's okay. What's wrong?"

"They keep young men in bunkers until every hour, when they take 12 to get recruited. They implant a chip into their arm that sends signals to their brain, which basically controls everything they do." I sat back, hopeless.

Alex chuckled. "So like a dog thinks: 'food food food' the recruiter thinks: 'evil evil evil'?"

I found it hard to laugh. "Alex... the recruiter loses his memories."

Alex face went slack. "Oh..." he said in a small voice.

The air seemed to get a lot denser. I closed the laptop and stood. I paced in a small line and bit my lip with worry. Jack could already be out there... killing people. Suddenly I heard a gasp behind me. I turned and saw Stellar's pale face.

"Madalyn..." she whispered. "When men are recruited, Chaos sends them to kill the person they love most to ensure their loyalty."

Alex was suddenly standing next to me, almost protectively. "Madalyn, he'll come after you."

Hot tears began to steak my cheeks. Chaos had taken everything from me. First my family, then my life, now jack. I wanted to stamp my foot and scream like a little girl. It just wasn't fair! I turned to Alex and gasped for air through my tears.

"No..." I tried to say more, but I couldn't get out words.

Alex rubbed a hand through his hair. "I know Mad... I know. But I'm not going to give up now. You still up for a trip to the main computer?"

I nodded. I vowed in that moment, that if I could, I would take down Chaos. It sounds impossible doesn't it? But if I could delete all their progress... I could do it. I took a shaky breath and looked at Stellar.

"Stellar..." I said, "Thank you for everything. But I think it's time for us to go. You want to come?"

Stellar laughed. "No."

"Why not? Your hideout is going to be discovered soon enough." I took her hands.

"I know..." she turned to look at her brother, smiling at her. He gazed at her and gave a thumbs up. "But Madalyn... this is my home. Good luck with Jack. Get your family back."

Stellar turned to her Brother, and grinned as he hugged her. I took a deep breath, accepting that this was her world. She was ready for anything... She didn't have much, but she had family.

Alex nodded. We grabbed our stuff and headed out.

"Oh wait..." I turned once more. "Can I have this computer?"

Stellar laughed. "Take it."

Jack P.O.V.

Blurry figures stood over me. Where was I? Who was I? What was going on...

"Who are you?" Asked the figure.

Something in my brain clicked. "I'm a soldier."

"And who do you serve?"

"Chaos." My own voice seemed foreign.

The voice mumbled to another figure. I Began to sit up and things got clearer. The figures were suited in lab coats and wore doctors masks. One of them turned to me.

"Go to headquarters and get your orders."

Silently I sat up and headed down a long hall. I still didn't know where I was, but it didn't matter. I was a willing servant who wanted nothing more than to serve Chaos. I had no emotion. No will of my own. But it didn't matter. I didn't want a will of my own.

Everything was still a blur. But soon I was being handed a white t shirt, camo pants and a gun. I suited up and felt an undeniable urge to kill... kill her.


Who was she? I didn't know. I'd never met anyone named Madalyn in my life.

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