Part One; PROLOGUE, Storm.

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I do not own any Doctor Who characters but claim all rights to my own (Storm). Any Doctor Who villains are not mine. They all belong to the BBC.  



"Bye, Mum!" I called out behind me as I walked out the door. 

"Where are you even going? It's eleven am on a Sunday morning and you sure as hell don't go to church." My mum asked popping her head around the corner. 

"Just out." 

"Anywhere in particular?" She said stepping out of the room and in front of me. "You never just 'go out' without some exterior motive." 

"I said nowhere. Can't I just go for a walk without being pestered by my mother!?" I spoke my voice ever so slightly raised. 

"Listen to your mother Storm." My father said coming into the conversation. "Amy, let her have a bit of freedom from time to time. Now, Storm. Go out and have a good time. Be back by dinnner." Dad said kissing my forehead and giving me a hug. 

I walked out of the house and closed the door, taking a deep breath of fresh air, well as fresh as 21st century air is. 

"STORM!" I heard mum shout through the closed door. "Don't go into any phone boxes or near men with bow ties and fezes. They are NOT cool."

I continued to walk away not listening to the warnings my mum was giving me, as I get them every time. 

"Don't go near phone boxes, don't go near robots, don't trust statues, don't blink, don't do this, don't do that." I mocked my mother's voice. "Well screw you mum, I'm not going to let you get in my way of a good time!" 

"You should probably listen to your mother." A voice said from behind me. 

"And why should I listen to you?" I replied turning around to see no-one standing there where the voice came from. Only an angel statue covering its eyes with its hands about a hundred feet ahead of me. 

"Because she's a wise woman. She's seen and faced more than anything Amelia Pond." 

"Pond?" I asked moving my head slightly to my left where the voice was coming from, just enough for my eyes to leave the angel statue. 

"DON'T MOVE YOUR EYESIGHT OFF OF IT!" The voice screamed at me and when I had turned back the angel was perhaps fourty feet closer than it was. I concentrated on the statue and went through all the probablities on how it could've moved forty or so feet in two to three seconds. I blinked and suddenly it was directly in front of me and its hands were no longer covering its face but were stretched out as though it was trying to grab hold of me. In its mouth were fangs and its eyes were full of hate. 

"You blinked didn't you?" The voice asked. 

My eyes were focused on the angel/monster hybrid thing as the voice continued to talk. 

"You mentioned not even ten minutes ago that your mother tells you not to blink when statues are in the vecinities, but no, you never listen. Look when I say so take your eyes off it and run." 

"I still don't get why I should trust you." 

"Simple answer, you shouldn't trust me but should listen to me considering if you blink or move your head away you will be transported to some point in time, and I just know your mother will blame it on me." 

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