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Once again I was thrown back against the wall of the TARDIS bracing myself for impact by bringing my arms behind me though.

"Are you okay Storm?" Dad asked me, walking over to help me up.

"Kinda, still getting over the overall shock. How can you keep balanced?" I asked, stumbling only to be caught by dad.

"Your mum and I have had practise." He answered.

"How long?"

Dad helped me over to the control panel where mum, Clara and the Doctor where standing around chatting.

"You better not still have those bunk beds. They were terrible." Mum complained.

"What?" The Doctor whined back. "Bunk beds are cool. It's a bed with a ladder, what's not to love? So are bow ties and fezes." He said straighting his bow tie.

"And he straighens his bow tie. If you say so Doctor." Mum laughed.

I hadn't seen Mum this happy in, well ever. My memories flashed through my head of all the times my mother had been happy. I couldn't recall a single one where she had been THIS happy. But then my mind sat on one memory. Mum and I had had a fight and Dad had came to cheer me up and try to get me to apologise.


"I'm not apologising." I said to my dad.

"I'm not here to force you to." He replied, settling himself down on my bed next to me.

"Am I overeacting or is she?"

"You both are." Dad said. "You just want to be allowed a little extra space and a little more loved, your mother just wants you to be safe and independent. I love both of you equally but I can't choose a side. I should side with Amy because we're married but I know how you feel. Second best to your own best friend."

"What do you mean dad?"

"Before you were born, your mother and I travelled a lot with a very close, childhood friend of your mother's. We went everywhere, America, Italy and Scotland to name a few. But the issue was your mother and I were dating, engaged actually but she was in love with her friend as well as me, but I never gave up on her. He became my best friend and even though he was oblivious to her feelings towards him, he still returned them in his own way. On more than one occasion she chose him over me and sometimes it got unbearable. But the times where it was us, the three amigos, Harry, Ron and Hermione, Percy, Annabeth and Grover. Amy Pond, Rory Williams and... John Smith. It was amazing the adventures we had were things of your wildest dreams, the people we met, the sights we saw."

"What happened then Dad?"

"That's how years passed between us, the love triangle in which I was last. Him and her would go off together leaving me to follow behind. Eventually we stopped travelling and settled down, got married and relaxed. But in the end she had no feelings for me any longer. We decided on a divorce. That was until John returned for another adventure after years, he didn't know of our differences but worked it out and made it his job to keep us together. Something happened to your mother and she was going to become evil. This virus took all of the love out of her and replaced it with hate."

"So she'd be like a Dalek?"

"Yeah, like a Dalek. So I went to give her my wristband that stopped it my excuse was 'It'll take longer with me, because the basis of our relationship has always been that I love you more than you love me' or something like that. Your mother then slapped me and yelled at me that this was hard on her too. That's how we got back together. But as you know your mother is my life and if need be I'd wait two thousand years for her, or more. The thing is no matter how bad things are, something good always comes out of it. From this it was you. You are the best thing to happen to me in a long time, you and your mother are the most important people in my life, and I owe you all to John. I don't want the two of you fighting, John wouldn't either. So will you apologise?" My dad finished.

"Okay dad. For you and John."

As we were walking down near to where mum was dad turned to me again and spoke.

"I've known your mother basically my whole life and I have never seen her as happy as when she had been with John." Dad sighed.

End of Flashback

"Dad?" I whispered. "Pst, Dad?"

"Yeah?" He replied.

"From the story of you and your traveller friend, John Smith that you told me when mum and I had our first of many fights, was that the Doctor? From my bedtime stories? And now?"

"You were always a bright child, Storm. Yeah it is."

"So the virus thing was the Dalek Asylum story then with Oswin?"

"Yeah." Dad said looking at Clara with a longing look on his face.

She reminded him of someone. No one I knew. Someone from his travels maybe? He went all upset when I mentioned Oswin.

"Dad?" He looked back towards me, blinking tears out of his eyes. "Does Clara remind you of someone?"


"Oswin?" I guessed.

"How'd you know?"

"When I mentioned the Dalek Asylum and Oswin you became all upset. I just connected the dots."

Dad brought me in for a hug which I returned.

"I love you Storm." Dad mumbled in my hair, kissing my head.

"I love you too Dad."

The TARDIS came to a stop sending my footing off, resulting into my flying into the Doctor. We both fell backwards, well him backwards, me forwards causing everyone to laugh at us.

"I'm so sorry." I blurted out hurrying to my feet.

The Doctor laughed getting up himself and standing next to me.

"Amy, do you remember where we first came?"

"Nowhere and I flew outside of the TARDIS." Mum replied.

"Exactly!" The Doctor shouted, running towards the door of the TARDIS. "Storm, welcome to space." He said opening the TARDIS door.

I ran up to the door to see earth below us thousands of miles away. The view was amazing. Then I felt two hands on my back that pushed me out of the TARDIS.

"STORM!" I heard Dad yell before a hand grabbed my ankle and held me in place.

"It's fine Ponds. I've extended the oxygen field a few metres out of the TARDIS she's fine." The Doctor laughed.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" I screamed, brushing my hair out of my face as it was flying around as though it was in water.

"Now you believe me?" The Doctor asked pulling me back in.

"Never said I didn't." I replied.

"Well, as fun as it would be to have three Ponds and Clara come on adventures with me, we need to sort out the Weeping Angels issue back home and this time I have no Sally Sparrow to help me."

"So Weeping Angels are real?" I asked.

"That's what we were running from!" The Doctor yelled. "So now we have to go and fix it, somehow they're back."

"But didn't they get 'swallowed' by the 'crack' in my wall?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, long story." The Doctor answered, walking over to the control panel and flicking some switches. "Hold on!"


Dedicates to BlondeOnTheOutsdie for making me a cover.

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