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  "Bye Mum!" Rose shouted as we left her Mum's house. 

"Bye, Mrs Tyler." I chorused after her chasing Rose out of the house. "So where too? Ancient Greece? Maybe, three million years into the future in Ethiopia? Well, what was Ethiopia."

"How about, the fourth of October 5993?"

"Why then?" 

"Random day, random alien creature to face." 

"Don't jinx it on me, Rose." I laughed as we walked through the park to get to my TARDIS. 

Whilst walking through chatting like the friends we are, these angel statues caught my eye. As far as I remembered they weren't there when we were walking to Rose's mum's place. But the thing that mae me most curious aboyut them was the fact that they stood around wth thier hands over thier eyes, as if they were ashamed, or hiding. 

"Rose?" I asked her and she turned to me. "Were those stautes there before?" 

"Not that I remember, why Doctor?"

"Because, they seem off to me. Just, they seem alien." 

"Doctor, your an alien, everything is alien to you." Rose laughed coninuing to walk just ahead of me. 

I laughed with her and tralied a step behind her, still curious about those statues. I turned back to look at them to see them no longer there. 

"Doctor? What are you looking at?" Rose asked turning to look at me. 

When I turned back to her I saw the angel statues about fifty metres ahead of me, in the direction we were going. 

"Rose, turn around." I said slowly keeping my eyes on the statues incase they moved closer. 

"But, they were behind us." Rose said, her voice quavering. 

"Exactly." I saaid stepping forward. "And that's why we should..."

"Should what, Doctor?" Rose asked. 

"Run!" I said grabbing her wrist and running the direction we came. 

"Doctor what are those things?" Rose asked, running alongside me. 

We kept running, without me answering the question. 

"Doctor, answer me." Rose complained. 

"That's something even I don't know. I've not encountered them before." I replied, flicking my eyes back to these stone angels following us. 

In all my years alive I've encountered many creatures and I've been running, running everywhere and anywhere I can. It may never be a holiday but I always keep myself occupied. Either by choice or destiny. But these... things, I've never seen before. So my best bet is to get me and Rose back to the TARDIS. 

Half way back to the TARDIS a time fissure appeared in front of us. I stopped where I was and held Rose next to me stopping her falling over onto the grass.

"Rose, stay by my side." 

"Doctor, what is that?"

"It's a time fissure, a tear in the fabic of reality. Anything could happen." Then suddenly out of it fell a fez. "For example, a fez." I picked it up and put it on my head. 

Then, to my surprise a scrawny looking man in a tweed jacket fell out of the time fissure and landed on the grass just ahead of us. 

"Oh, that hurt." He said getting up. "Well, hello. Rose, looking smashing as ever." 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"Oh, wow. I really did have a grunge phase, didn't I?"

"Excuse me? Who the heck are you?" I asked the man once again. 

"I can't believe I ever looked like this. Well at least I'm not a match stick." 

"No, you can't be." I said. "That's impossible." 

This man mimiced my moves and as I got my sonic screwdriver out he did too. His was long with a green light on the end whereas my was short and blue. I took in his facial features and saw he was so unlike me. His chin, wow, you could poke someone's eye out with that. His nose, well, same as mine almost. I have no idea what's up with his hair, or fez, or bow tie, or whole outfit. It's crazy.

"Compensating?" I asked him. 

"For what?" 

"Regeneration, it's a lottery." I said putting my sonic away at the same time as him. 

"Oh, you think you're so funny, elephant!" He replied laughing and grabbing the fez off my head and puting it on his. 

"That's saying something chinny." 

"Could someone explain what's going on please?" Rose asked. 

"Doctor? Are you there?" A voice said from the time fissure. 

"You take Rose, I'll take my four." 

I turned to Rose and sighed. 

"He's me. From the future. With the large chin and show-offy sonic."

"How far along?" 

"No idea." I replied. 

"So, in other words. You fell into your own time stream and met your future self?"

"And he's meeting his past self, yes." 

"Where are we?" Chinny asked. 

"England, 2006." I replied. 

"Who are you talking to?" The voice inside the time fissure asked, it sounded female. 

"Myself." Chinny and I said at the same time, causing us to look and smile at each other. 

"Can you get back through?" The voice asked. 

"I don't know." Chinny said. "Wait a second, fez incoming!" He yelled throwing his fez into the time fissure. 

"Nothin' 'ere." The voice said.

"Well, do what I said, press the big red button and I'll see you soon." He said. 

"Doctor, take care of yourself." The another voice said. 

"You too Amy." 

We turned away from the time fissure and stood around together facing where I was running from to see at least thirty of those moving angel statues facing us, thier hands over thier eyes. As they were when Rose and I first saw them. 

"Weeping Angels? Here? Eight years in the past?" Chinny spoke. "Never move your eyes off of them, then they can move."

"So you've encounted them before then?" I replied.

"Many times. They can't move whlist you're looking at them." He said.   "What do you mean?"   "Whilst you are looking at the angel they are made of stone, they are unable to move as they are quantum locked. But the moment you blink or move you eyes away from them, they are the fastest creatures in th universe. One touch from them and you are zapped back in time, there you willl live the rest of your life out until you die. It's quite saddening."   "Wow, that's really sad." Rose said.    "It really is, how far away is your TARDIS?" He asked.

"Two, three blocks?" I replied, estimating. 

"We'll need to get there eventually, but first, ready to jump Elephant, Rose?" 

"What?" I asked, but not before he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the time fissure, my hand wrapping around Rose's hand before we left.

"GERONIMO!" He shouted as we travelled through it. 

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