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"She's gone, Doctor. Don't bother." Grandpa said to Chinny after his companion, Clara fell out of the TARDIS and into the time vortex.

Chinny then walked straight out of the room without saying another word to any of us.

"Isn't he overeacting a bit?" Leather Jacket asked.

"Yes." Grandpa said at the same time as I said.


"He is overeacting, we've lost way more than a companion throughout our lives. We've lost our people. We're the last of our kind. How can he be this upset after losing a companion?" Leather Jacket asked.

"I don't know. I'm before his time. But something important happened between them. Something that we've never had before. We may have came close but there's a connection between them that you or I will ever know." I said.

"Still. We weren't that upset when we destroyed Gallifrey..." Leather Jacket trailed off.

"Because we did that to save everything, save everybody. If we hadn't the worlds as we know them may not be as we know them as. Destroying Gallifrey may have been the worst but also the best thing we have ever done." I cut in.

Leather Jacket and Grandad kept quiet, deliberating what I just said. We stayed quiet and explored Chinny's newly redecorated TARDIS.

"Does anyone not like it?" I asked.

"Like what?" Grandad asked.

"The redecoration."

"I don't like it." Leather Jacket answered.

"Neither." I added. Then the room was silent.

"AMY, RORY. CAN YOU COME IN HERE?" I heard Chinny yell. And due to the shape of the TARDIS' hallways the shout sounded as if it was in the room next to us.

I looked over and Leather Jacket had his eyes on the hallway.

"No." I said.

"What?" He replied.

"We're not going to see what it is."


"Yes." Grandad said.

"What?" Leather Jacket and I yelled at the same time.

"If you are me, and so is the bow tie one, then it's only natural for us to know too. It's not like it's anything that we won't find or work out."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Leather Jacket asked before running off down the hallway where we expected the shout to come from.

"Wait! We shouldn't."

"He knows our past and future it's only fair we know some of his."

"Spoilers." I whispered, before walking with Grandad that hall Leather Jacket ran down.

"Why are you so against us going to see what happened?" Grandad asked me.

"Why were you so for it?" I replied.

"As I said, as a past version of him he knows all about us, what may have happened but also what may not have yet. It's only fair he shares everything with us."

"He can't share everything though, otherwise we'd be able to change history."

"Yes, but everything that isn't a... a..." Grandad stuttered, lost for words.

"Spoiler?" I suggested.

"Spoiler. We should be allowed to know."

"I was once told 'what you do in your own regeneration is your own business'. I believe that we should give him privacy."

"Shut it." Leather Jacket said from just ahead if us. "I'm listening."

I hadn't realised just how far that we actually walked in the space of our conversation. We stood outside the room wher Rory, Amy, Storm and Chinny were all standing. We stayed silent filed around the doorway, listening in on the very confusing conversation between the figure of them.

"How quick has she grown?" Chinny asked.

"The last time we were travelling with you on the TARDIS was 2012. Two years ago. So she's only about two years old."

'Ding!' The TARDIS console made, signaling something.

"Finally! What's the results?" Chinny asked, I guess the TARDIS. "Amy, Rory you better come and look at this."

"What does that mean Doctor?" Rory asked, the question I was thinking.

"You remember what I told you about River? Well unfortunatley, happily? Something-ily Storm is also a timelord. Half timelord." Chinny answered.

"You've got to be kidding me." Leather Jacket stated stepping into the doorway.

"Have you been listening in?" Chinny asked, shocked.

All three of us stepped out into the room and stood there getting glares from the females.

"For all it's worth. I was against it." I said.

"Suck up." Leather Jacket fake coughed.

"Jerk." I replied in the same way.

"Can still hear you when you do that." Chinny said whilst fake coughing. "So stop." He said talking normal again. "But why were you listening in?"

"Grandad believes that because you are a future version of us you know all of our pasts we should get to know and be involved in certain events of your time." I said.

"No." Chinny said.

"Why not?"


I stayed quiet then, remembering Professor River Song's words she said to me when she died. She is still a mystery to me but then I remembered something Chinny said when we were listening in. 'You remember what I told you about River?' Then I also remembered when he was talking with Clara before the incident he said to her, 'Only two people that aren't full timelords can fly this, one of which can talk to it as well. That's Storm's sister, River Song.'

River Song, she's been in my life for so long. She died when I first met her, but once I met her again an told her about, well began to tell her about that, she stopped me before saying 'Spoilers'. It's as if our timelines were in reverse. When I met her for the first time, she was meeting me for the last.

'I'll have to ask Chinny about that later.' I said to myself.

"Look. Can we have some time alone now please? I need to discuss family matters with the Ponds if you don't mind." Chinny asked.

"Of course, but we do expect some infomation on what events transpired here." Grandpa said.


Grandad, Leather Jacket and I left the room and went back to the main control room in silence. Each of us coping with what we just heard in our own way. Grandad kept to himslf, but that is to be expected by the youngest of us all and also considering his moment in our time stream. Leather Jacket seemed ready to hit someone, preferably not Jack. He's handier than he seems. And I was just more confused, I thought River Song was the most confusing person I have or ever will meet. But she's been beaten. I am now one hundred percent sure.

I am the most confusing person I have or will ever meet.

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