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One moment I was talking to the the Doctor and the next I was falling. 

"DOCTOR!" I yelled out as I fell from where I was standing. 

"CLARA!" I heard him call after me. As I continued to fall I saw the TARDIS moving away from me but insted of me continuing falling forever like I expected I landed with a thud on something. 

I stayed where Ianded for a long time, trying to regain control of what just happened. I was talking to the Doctor about Storm then he was no longer by my side and I was falling. 

"Hello?" A voice said. "Who are you?"

I stood up and brushed myself off before looking in the direction the voice came from. The person I saw, even though I've never met her, I had heard a lot about. River Song, was standing in front of me and as I concentrated I realised that it wasn't just any old thing I had landed on. It was a TARDIS. 

"As I asked earlier, who are you?"

"River, I know who she is, that's why she's here." A voice said from behind River. 

River turned and from the angle she was standing I saw the Doctor. But one that I never thought I'd see myself. The regeneration after my original Doctor. The thirteenth face of Doctor. 

"This is Clara, a previous companion of mine." He said. 

"Oh. Nice to meet you Clara. I'm..." River began before I cut in.

"You're River Song, the Doctor mentioned you plenty of times. You had a very confusing back story."

"So, what's your connection to the Doctor then?" River asked. 

I laughed. 

What am I to say? Oh, I was a companion of the Doctor that you married and have influenced and saved him all of his lives because I went into his time stream to save him. So I've been with him through every version of himself, making sure he always succeeds in what ever he does. He chose the TARDIS he did because I told him to, he always has been following what I say without even knowing it. He may see me or not. The Dalek Asylum, I saved him, Rory and Amy by controling the Daleks and doors, but also giving hints on different things. 

"Long story." I answered. 

"Long TARDIS flight." River replied. 

"As the Doctor said, I'm an old companion. But a fair few time streams have gotten crossed which is causing a lot of confusion at the moment."

"How so?" River asked. 

"I'll get to that in a minute. But first, Doctor, are you tracking the other TARDIS?" I asked walking over to him at the console. 

"Yes, I'm following it." He said. "River taught me how to fly it." He banged on the TARDIS console. 

"He's not great at flying it yet but he's decent enough so I don't have to." River said. "So what's up with the time stream crossing you said earlier." 

"We had issues with Weeping Angels where they shouldn't have been back in 2006. We only found that out after a time fissure we found back in 2014. Then the Doctors went to 5889 where Cybermen were running loose. another Doctor joined them and now they're all on the one TARDIS"

"Does anyone realise just how dangerous that is?" River exclaimed. "Four timelords from the same time stream can't be in the same place at once. This time he may actually wipe New York off the map when they land! He's an idiot!"

"So Clara, how bad is it on that TARDIS?" The Doctor asked. 

"Terrible, you are arguing and backchatting each other. It doesn't help with the mix of companions either." I answered.

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