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"Goodbye." The Eleventh Doctor said, after Clara had faded from the room. 

We were all quiet for a while after that, I, myself was still in shock about, well everything. I am half timelord, well supposedly. My sister is married, well to a certain degree, to the Doctor. My sister is Melody Pond, who is also River Song. Clara is somewhere, with River, Melody... whatever I'm to call her. Wherever they are someone else is that Clara doesn't want the Doctor to know about. The Doctor is my brother-in-law. 

"Now can someone explain everything to me?" Donna asked. 

"Fine! Amy whilst pregnant with and conceiving," The Eleventh Doctor shuddered. "River, Melody, she was exposed to the time vortex and that exposure made Melody half timelord. She had regenerations like a full timelord and is able to talk to and fly the TARDIS. From Melody Pond she regenerated into River Song. Storm IS River's sister; she is also half timelord, same cause as River too. Any other questions I need to answer?"

"Yes, what's happening after we go to Craig's was it?" The Ninth Doctor asked. 

"Well, I'm dropping the companions off there and then us Doctor's will go in the TARDIS, my TARDIS to get all of yours and meet up back here before discussing what the plan of attack will be. Once that's been worked out we'll go and see my information giverers in London. They'll know something." Eleven said. 

"Do you mean your informants?" The Eight Doctor asked. 

"Yes, No. Information giverers sound cooler. Any other questions?"

"Yes." I answered, looking off somewhere, not looking at anyone. "Mum has always told me that you couldn't go to certain places or revisit certain moments in time because it meant crossing your own time stream, which was dangerous. Yet there are four of you, each from different points along your time stream, ironically then youngest looking the eldest and the eldest of you looking and behaving the youngest, isn't it dangerous for this to be happening?"

"Finally someone pointed it out!' Nine yelled. "Of course it's dangerous. It may be a degree safer when flying the TARDIS as they are built for eight timelords to fly at once. But the crossing of time streams will cause some effect later, or previously. Either way something will have changed. We could've blown up a planet, or wiped a city off of the Earth, even changed of history of a war, we won't know. Even though the risks are high in this situation, going without sorting out this Cybermen and Weeping Angels problem could be more disastrous." He answered me.

"But the other issue with this is the fact that at any one point one of my future selves could say something that hasn't happened yet that was disastrous that the one of us who comes to that point of our life will change it, making giant changes, it may be move something a different way or we complete mess up a certain moment, the consequences would be catastrophic." The Eighth Doctor said. "But also, can I change my title? To War Doctor, there was another before me who was the eighth regeneration, and even though I don't deserve the title 'Doctor' it'll have to do."

"Why War Doctor, why not something else?" Donna asked. 

"He's me." Eleven began. "But he's the version of me who fought in the time war. It was still a regeneration but he doesn't call himself 'The Doctor', I shouldn't be nicknamed 'Eleven' I should be thirteen, but as we don't count Ten's vanity issues, and the War Doctor doesn't call himself 'The Doctor' it makes me Eleven. Now stop asking so many questions, Donna." 

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