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The girl spoke that was beside the Doctor, she sounded exactly like my savior. Oswin. Who was killed by the Daleks when the asylum blew up.

But isn't she..." I began only to have the Doctor's hand slam down on my mouth.

"Clara, Amy, get aquainted. Rory, I need to talk to you." The Doctor said dragging me off into the TARDIS where he knew we couldn't eavesdroped on.

"You've realised." He said after closing the TARDIS door.

"She's Oswin?" I asked. He nodded solumly.

"I don't know how just yet, but yes, she is. She's turned up a fair few times throughout my past same personallity, slightly changed profession but each time she dies. I'm determined for it not to happen this time." He said walking away from me and leaning on the control panel.

"Every time?" I asked to get a nod in reply sending his fez flying off his head and onto the control panel.

"Dalek asylum, 1892 London with Strax, Jenny and Vastra and again at other points throughout my life. She's the one who somehow told me to take this TARDIS," He said banging on the control panel. "And not the other one, any of the other ones I could've chosen instead. I thought as though this TARDIS has planned my life out completely, not my companions, friends, victories, defeats and enemies . She has. It's boggling my mind. For once I am confused. Not River being a timelord confused but how you were at my death. Confused and upset." By this point he had turned to face me only to slide down the control panel to now be hugging his knees to his chest, slightly crying.

"Doctor, I don't know what to say, I'm most likely more confused than you but seeing as though I waited two thousand years for Amy I have some some knowledge. I think you should just wait for the problem to erase itself. Have you asked her about it?" I asked going over and sitting next to him.

"Yes! She looked at me as though I was crazy. Well, crazier. She knows it all now, long story. All I've been doing is trying to keep her safe. I don't think I can stand to see her die again."

"Amy and I have seen each other die many times, I know how that feels. But we're men, we're supposed to let the women do all the mushy wushy stuff."

"Mushy wushy." The Doctor laughed. "We should probably check on the women, don't want them clawing at each other's necks."

I laughed along with the Doctor as we got up off the TARDIS floor and out of the door, heading towards the kitchen where the girl's voices were echoing from.

"I had found out that Rory had waited two thousand years protecting me from everything." I heard Amy saying. Seeing as though she can only tell this story to friend's of the Doctors I allowed to tell the full, proper story. I walked in the room and continued the story.

"But we did end up almost divorcing. The Doctor brought us together but also tore us apart once he stopped visiting. But as if on cue we were abducted by the Daleks and forced to destroy thier 'Dalek dump site' which we realised that we both still love each other."

"But have they mentioned I made a late apperance at thier wedding and then embarassed the hell out of myself?" The Doctor butted in. "Amy had a complete fit and this guy," He said poking my arm. "Totally forgot about me. Amy jumped over the couple's table and stormed to the middle of the dance floor and shouted 'Raggetty man, you are late for my wedding' or something." He laughed, Amy, Oswin.. Clara and I joining in.

"Well I had nothing. No something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. The TARDIS for-fills all of those recomendations. You said so yourself." Amy laughed.

"Mum?! Dad!?" Storm's voice chorused from upstairs.

"And Sleeping Beauty is awake!" I said sarcastically.

"I guess this is my cue to go." The Doctor said running a hand through his hair.

"No. You've got explaining to do. Sit and you are explaining to us all. You to Roman." Amy commanded me and the Doctor and he and I know better that to defy a red-head scottish mother.

Storm walked in her hand on the back of her head.

"Mum, do we have any advil? This headache is killing me." Storm complained.

"Storm, we have guests." Amy spoke. "Take a seat next to your father please. We'd like to introduce you."

"Okay?" Storm replied confused, but took a seat anyway.

"Storm this is Clara and the Doctor. The Doctor is an old..."

"HEY!" The Doctor butted in.

"I didn't mean it like that! The Doctor is a person from our past."

"How much did you pay?" Storm asked.

"Excuse me?" The Doctor asked her.

"You look exactly like the Doctor mum discribed in the bedtime stories she used to tell me. About TARDIS', Doctors, Fez's, moving angel statues and Daleks." Storm replied. "You're the Doctor? Doctor Who?"

"Oh, you're gonna be asking that for a long time. Just the Doctor."

"Where's your proof?" Storm said standing up.

"I can't prove it."

"Exactly. I'm going to see Beth and Georgie, be home at six. Bye."

"STORM IDRIS POND! Sit back down and listen to your mother." I shouted at her, fed up at her antics.

She sat back down but not before glaring at me.

"You named her after the TARDIS?" The Doctor asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Look, if you ARE the Doctor as you claim you are where is the TARDIS I have heard so much about?" Storm asked.

"In the living room." The Doctor answered. "Come along Ponds. And Clara." The Doctor mumbled something under his breath as he walked out of the kitchen, us all following.

"TARDIS-y enough or do you want to see inside?" The Doctor said as he snapped his fingers and the door opened. Clara walked in first and Amy and Storm folllowed.

"But..." Storm started looking between the door and the rest of the control room.

"Go ahead, everyone says it." The Doctor said walking in and as if on cue Storm ran out of the TARDIS and around the corner of it

When she got back she looked at the Doctor and breathed out.

"It's smaller on the outside." She said.

"Hey! Another Clara." The Doctor exclaimed in joy running over to the control panel.

I was confused from the look that Clara was wearing but then I thought back, it was most likely another version of her.

"I see you've redecorated." Amy said looking around. "I don't like it."

"Oh!" The Doctor exclaimed looking up from the control panel. "Oh, you never do! But anyway, proof enough? Or shall we go to space? Hold on! GERONIMO!!" The Doctor shouted.

"DOCTOR!" Amy yelled grabbing hold of the nearest bar to her.


Dedicated to _SpacedOut_ for making me a cover. When I work out how to out them up I will.

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