Chapter Thirteen

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Sometimes I wish that I was normal, but that would be too boring.


William looked good.

I wasn't the only one who thought so either. All eyes were on him during the rest of our art class.

I occasionally glanced at him, amazed at how well he looked.

And it was all thanks to me.

I smiled to myself, it felt good to know that my hard work had paid off, and that my effort was not wasted. But as art class went on, I soon realised that he never tried to sneak a glace at me. And that annoyed me.

It was all  me, he looked good, and he had the nerve to ignore me. What an asshole. I guess you couldn't look good without adopting the attitude that people say it comes with.

I was just about to open my big mouth and say something that I'd probably regret instantly, when he beat me to it.

"Thanks." He said, quietly.


He said it so quietly that I had to replay his voice several times in my head before understanding what he had said. 

"Oh. No it's fine. I'm glad I helped you. You're getting a lot of admirers now. Don't forget me when you become famous in this school, eh? Don't let the popularity-"

"I don't want to be popular, I just wanted to fit in." He said.

"Same thing." I said, smirking.

He didn't reply after that. And we sat in silence, each getting on with our art projects until the bell rang.

Honestly, I couldn't care less that we hadn't spoken during class. Although I was glad William was no longer being picked on for whatever reason, I didn't want anyone associating me with him. Now that would be a beautiful disaster.

It was now break time, and after that mildly embarrassing moment before school started, (I prefer not to think about it) I was glad to know that Aiden was waiting for me by the fire escape just as we did everyday

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It was now break time, and after that mildly embarrassing moment before school started, (I prefer not to think about it) I was glad to know that Aiden was waiting for me by the fire escape just as we did everyday. At least some things stayed the same.

"Hey babe," I said as I sat down. "How was photography?"

"Tiring. I started on the project, but I don't know... it doesn't seem like I'm going in the right direction. Emma is great, don't get me wrong, but it just isn't right."

I shrugged, "Try something different. You'll get there. I know you will."

"Thanks," he said.

It was silence for a good two minutes. Now how could that be? Oh, I know. Because he was thinking about that girl. That bitch who had the nerve to show her face in this very school and act like everything was fine between us!

"Where are all the others?" I asked. In all seriousness, I wasn't half interested in knowing. But someone had to break the silence.

"Does it look like I know?" He replied, rolling his eyes. Ugh. The nerve.

"Well, I wouldn't. You've all been making plans without me." I had now crossed a line. I never showed weakness. He knew something was up. I was dangerously close to blowing my cover. This plan of mine has gone too far for it to fail now, "That's not allowed. It should be me in the middle of you all. You're all uneven when you walk, a group of friends should be an odd number, not even. It should be five, not four."

He chuckled. 

I was saved.

"Missing us, huh?" Cara showed up with the rest of the gang, Dylan, of course by her side, and Margot following quietly behind.

I smirked, "Oh, you know it bitch. How I miss sitting with you and making fun of Mr Jenkin's ridiculous shirts. Have you seen his shirt today? Looks like he borrowed it from the freaking circus. How does his wife let him go out like that!"

And in unison, me and Cara, as expected said, "Oh! That's right, he has no wife."

It was mean, and evil, but that was who we were. Savages for life.

"Van, can I ask you something? It's totally freaky, but I don't know. I wanted to hear it from you." Margot had actually spoken to me, directly to me. And I was sure of that; she addressed me before speaking and was actually looking at me dead straight in my eyes. She was pretty if you tilted your head the right amount to the left, but too much, and it looked like her nose was way too long for her face.

"Speak." I said, disgusted.

She rolled her eyes before continuing, but just before she did so, I stopped her. "Before you go on Margot, I know you're new here, maybe you're unaware, but I am the Queen of these steps, and you are a simple minion. A sheep if you will. A joker, an entertainer to keep me from getting bored. You are not royalty like us. You are a peasant. A wannabe. You do not roll your eyes at me. Now, continue."

Things were about to get very ugly. Things were about to get fun. 

Margot, you will regret your life.

"That is no way to speak to her. You apologise now, or.." Aiden grabbed my arm, his nails digging inside of me. That was all the confirmation I needed. This was her. The bitch who was sleeping with my boyfriend.

"Or what?" I said, smiling. "Sorry Magot. I hate it when people roll their eyes. This is a no rolling area. We roll nothing apart from paper."

She sighed, over dramatically, but didn't roll her eyes.

If you're wondering why I didn't expose Aiden and Margot there and then, let me remind you; revenge my dear friends, revenge.

"Anyway. I heard from someone that you're the reason behind that new guy's makeover. Someone saw you two at the mall. Deny it." She said.

I scoffed. "Rule number two, do not come up to me with rumors without proof. What are we? Animals? If we're believing rumors, then I'll tell you what I've heard about you, little miss no-longer-goody-two-shoes. I've heard that someone saw you going into the janitors closet and you made out with someone in there! OMG! Spill!!!!"

I knew who she was making out with. I was the only one who knew. I prefer it this way. If someone else found out, I'd be a laughing stock. I had to play nice here, I was walking no no mans land here.

"Oh. Doesn't the no proof rule apply to me?" She said.

I felt Aiden's hands starting to sweat, but I couldn't risk losing it here. 

"Fine. Fine. I'll let it go. But someone everyone will know. Me included! I can't wait."

Now, that was entirely true. I couldn't wait to expose them both. There is no word in the dictionary to describe the amount of fun this will be. 

A/N: Sorry it's late guys.

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