Upset Joey

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If I do have a child, will it be Mark's or Joey's?  

After the talk Joey and I had to head to Matt and Bryan to tell them what happened. We walked out of the bathroom and headed for Matt and Amanda's bedroom. We walked in but they weren't there.

"They should be here?" I questioned.

"Maybe they're in the garage?" Replied Joey.

We went back downstairs to look for Matt and Bryan. I looked over at Amanda when we past and she was sound asleep. I wish I was her. Joey opens the door for me and we see Matt, Bryan and Gunner doing a video for Team Edge. We wait for them to finish up the video and when it finished, I got a big hug from Matt.

"What were you two doing?" Smirked Matt.

"We were talking why." Said Joey.

The guys all look at each other then back at me. What are they thinking of? I decided to take a seat and wait for them to finish whispering to each other. After what felt like forever, Gunner came over and said

"We need you for something and I don't think your going to like it."

"W-Why, what is it?" I said being a bit angry. 

Gunner didn't say anything after that he just guided me over to the other guys. I look at Joey and his eyes were red and puffy. Why has he been crying? I walk straight to Joey and he immediately hugged me to death. I started to make small circles into his back while saying

"Shhh, it's okay Joey, just tell me what's wrong." 

Joey stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes. He cupped my face and gave me a quick peck to the lips. I started to get worried now cause I've never seen Joey sad before. Bryan stands next to him and he tries to confront him. That didn't work instead Joey pushed him away and left the room. I wanted to go after Joey but Matt said

"Leave him for a bit Samantha, please."

I felt upset that Joey was sad but angry at the same time. I turn around and faced the guys with a pissed off face. I walked up to Bryan and push him over. He gives me a death stare but I didn't care.

"What did you guys do!" I yelled.

Matt looks at the ground and he nods at Gunner. Gunner takes my hands to calm me down which worked. I feel sorry for Bryan but he'll forgive me. Gunner looks at me with a sad face and he slowly whispers to me

"To get rid of Mark, we need you to be with him, all the time."

Did I just hear those words right or was it a dream. I snap back into reality and I start to cry. I run out of the room with Matt and Gunner yelling

"Samantha stop!"

I continue to run and I end up at the front yard with my knees up to my chest. I hear footsteps behind me but I didn't want to look cause I was to upset. I get a pair of soft hands on my shoulders that made my crying slow down a bit.

"Are you okay Sam?" Questioned the person.

I knew whose voice that was and I quickly hugged them. Amanda is always there for me when shit goes down. Amanda returns the hug and after about a few seconds, she wipes my tears away with her thumb. I give her one more hug before I see the man I love at the door frame smiling down at us.

"Can I join in?" Laughed Joey.

I let go of Amanda and I jumped on Joey giving him one of my best hugs he could ever get. Joey hugged me back and he also gave me a kiss. I hope Joey's all better now. Amanda walks over and whispers to me 

"I'll get rid of Mark for you Sam."

I look at her shocked but she just returns a smile to me. Is she really going to do that? I get off of Joey and I get a goofy smile from his adorable face. He holds my hand and takes me to the lounge room. We sit down but that's when the others came. Joey stood up to protect me from his own friends and family. I didn't want them to fight but that's when Matt said something

"I'm sorry about before Samantha and Joey, we have a new idea but." 

"No Matt, you were going to give Samantha to Mark which meant he could hurt her even more." Said Joey.

"I know Joey but-" Said Matt before he got cut off by a scream.


I knew what was happening and I ran straight down to the basement. Joey followed shortly behind me same as Matt, Gunner and Bryan. I stopped at the door to try and open it but it was locked. I felt rage go through me while I tried to open the door again. I tried one last time but it didn't work until a thought came to my head.

I might have been tortured, raped and beaten but no one messes with my friends.

Hope you liked this chapter and the next one is going to be sooooo action-packed. What's going to happened to Amanda? Is Mark going to die in the next chapter? Is the ending of this chapter good? Find out later and that's it for now my little starz and I'll see all you in space.
Love you all. :)


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