Love Games

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"Ready for this day to get done and over with." I sighed out while going to Amanda.

Amanda gives me smirk but later smiles. I take a seat next to her and try to relax before the boys make us do stupid things. I lay down on the chair while looking at the blue sky. I take some deep breathes in trying to calm myself down but that's when I feel sick. I rush to the closest bathroom and that's when I get sick in the bathroom. I hear footsteps behind me and I knew it was Amanda or Joey. I slowly turn around and it's Matt.

"You okay Samantha?" Questioned Matt.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I smiled.

"Okay well, let me help you up." Said Matt.

Matt helped me up slowly and that's when Amanda and Joey see me. Joey takes my other side while Amanda gets a wet cloth for my head. I lay down on the couch trying to not get dizzy or even sick. Amanda hurries back with the cloth while Joey strokes my hand slowly. She places it on my forehead which made me sleepy. Joey continues to stroke my hand slowly but that's when I doze off.

*DREAMS MAN*  (Tell me if you like these dreams happening) 
I look around my environment and I see a bag. I take the bag to see what's in it and that's when I see a gun. I pull the gun out but that's when the police start to surround me. I put my hands up in the air wondering what I did wrong.

"Ms Fredrick, your under arrest for murdering your husband and son." Said the police officer.

"Why would I do that? I love them." I cried out.

"A witness named Mark told us what you did and his going to take great care of your daughter." Yelled the officer while coming closer.

Did I really do that? I was about to run away when I seen Mark in the background with my daughter. I ran up to Mark to give him a punch but he disappeared. I looked around to find him but the setting changed to.

"WHERE ARE YOU MARK!?" I yelled out.

"Right here Sammy." Whispered Mark.

I turned around and landed on the ground. I see my daughter in his arms all happy. What did you do her Mark?

"Mummy's now with us." Smiled my daughter.

I get up from the couch and I see everyone outside ready for the games. I make my way to the backyard but before I could even tell anyone I'm ready, Joey picks me up while spinning me around.

"J-Joey stop." I giggled.

"Say the magic word." Laughed Joey.

I thought awhile wondering what the word was until it popped in my head.


"Correct." Smiled Joey while putting me down.

"That's my nickname for him." Whined Matt in a funny way.

I stood still for awhile so I don't fall over anyone or anything. After staying in one spot for 2 minutes, I decided to help Amanda. She was blowing up balloons which I believe had something in them. When I got there, I grabbed a balloon and gave it a quick shake. Whatever was in this one was something gooey, I think?

"Do you want to know?" Questioned Amanda.

"I guess so." I replied back.

"It's for who ever loses." Smiled Amanda

"Oh okay." I said.

*Time skip brought to you by Joey's fabulous muscles*

The games were about to start and the games were how well do you know me and the last one was the makeup challenge. Who ever loses has to get the balloons popped above their head. We weren't going to record cause we just wanted to do this for fun.

"Everyone ready for the first challenge?" Questioned Bryan and Gunner who had the answers.

"Ready." We all said.

We all took our seats in the backyard and got the buzzers ready. I hope I know a lot about Joey. Bryan had mine and Joey's questions while Gunner had Matt and Amanda's one. We waited for them to get ready and Bryan said the first question for Joey to answer.

"Where is Sam living and who is her room mate?" Said Bryan.

Joey took awhile to think of it then he answered with 

"Um...she lives in England with Felix?"

Bryan looks at the paper then answers

"Wrong, the answer was Ireland with Jack." Laughed Bryan.

Now it's Amanda's turn to answer Matt's question. Gunner moves the paper a bit and says

"What is Matt's favourite movie?"

Amanda knew this straight away, she even jumped in the air while saying


"Correct, one point to Matt and Amanda." Said Gunner.

*Time skip brought to you by Joey's cute smile*

"Last question for round one." Said Bryan and Gunner.

I looked at Joey nervously cause I had to answer now, same as Matt. After awhile, Bryan got the hardest question for me.

"Did Joey get his ears pierced?" Questioned Bryan.

Now this was a hard one cause Joey doesn't have anything on his ears. I think he did but later regretted it. 

"Joey...did?" I said nervously.

Bryan looked shocked for a second but later said

"T-That's right."

I get up and clap my hands from this sweet victory but I forgot that Matt still had to answer a question. I sat back down and wait for Gunner to say the question.

"Does Amanda want to get her hair cut short?" Questioned Gunner.

I knew this one and it's a yes. She even wants to dye it soon.

"" Said Matt.

I jump up in down victory. I give Joey a quick hug while saying

"Wrong, she does."

*Another time skip brought to you by Joey's Nike gear*

The next challenge was the makeup on but it was starting to get late so we went start to the balloons. I picked up one that was my favourite colour. It's blue. I put mine above Amanda's head but before I could pop it, someone popped their's above both of us. We both turned around and it was the boys.

"Let's get them Amanda." I giggled.

"Yes." Laughed Amanda while getting a balloon.

We started popping balloons everywhere in the backyard and Joey and I were left with the last two. I ran up to Joey and tried to pop it above his head but his to tall. Joey raised his arms and just popped his one. It was pickle juice.

"Your so unfair." I said while getting some pickles out of my hair.

"Aww come on, you look cute like that." Said Joey while taking a picture.

Joey ran off somewhere leaving me with the pickles. That will be on social media later tonight.

(Hope you enjoyed this cute/challenge chapter. More are coming on your way guys so don't worry. What is social media going to think of Samantha? Was this chapter to cute or what? Is Battle Universe coming soon? Find out later on and that's it for now my little starz and I'll see you all in space.
Love you all :)


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