Baby Training

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"Your going to do fine Sam, trust me?" Whispered Amanda while hugging me.

I look up into Amanda's eyes and nod a 'yes'. I stop hugging her and I make my to Luna. Amanda takes Luna into her lap while I get one of her favourite toys. I shake the toy in front of Luna and she starts to giggle. Amanda starts to laugh at how cute Luna and I were.

"Here you go Luna, Mr Cuddle is here." I said while smiling.

"C-Cubble." Giggled Luna.

Amanda gave Luna to me while she went to get more of her stuff. I grab Luna and put her on my lap. She starts to giggle but then looks up at me with her beautiful eyes. I don't know why or how but I started to cry. Luna holds my hand and gives me Mr Cuddles. I look at my hand then back at Luna, is this the feeling of having a family? Amanda comes back in with all the food she needs for today.

"Okay so, the first step is to find which food she wants." Explained Amanda.

"Well it's around lunch time so maybe the mash peas?" I said while getting the peas.

"Good choice Sam, can you get a bowl and spoon please." Smiled Amanda.

"Of course, anything for you and Luna." I laughed.

I walk out to the kitchen to find some form of bowl and spoon when suddenly, someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to hit them but they stopped my hand. I look up and it's Joey! Why do I get scared so easily? I wrap my arms around Joey's chest but before I could look up he picked me up.

"JOEY!" I yelled.

"What is it my angel." Laughed Joey.

"First can you put me down and what are you doing, I thought you were doing videos." I smiled.

Joey puts me down but before he wants to answer my question, I get a quick kiss to the cheek.

"We finished the video and I was hungry." Smirked Joey.

I go to the cardboard and give Joey some chips while I'm still looking for the bowl and spoon. I found the stuff I needed but Joey must want something cause his still standing in the door frame. I try to pass him but he won't move. I put the bowl and spoon down so I can tickle Joey. I jump on Joey and tickle him with my soft hands. He starts to laugh his pants off.

"Give up yet?" I said while smirking.

"Why would I when I can do this." Said Joey.

Before I could think what Joey was going to do, Joey pinned me to the ground and he started to tickle me. I tried to slip away but he was to strong. I look up into Joey's lovely ocean eyes and smile. Joey stops tickling me and kisses me on the forehead. I slowly get up off the ground and grab the bowl and spoon for Luna and Amanda. I give Joey a kiss before I go to Luna and Amanda. We go our separate ways and when I walk in the lounge room, I see Matt with Luna.

"Samantha you have the stuff." Smiled Matt.

"Yeah, where's Amanda?" I questioned.

"Shes having a rest but for now I'll teach you." Said Matt.

"Okay." I smiled.

I get the mashed peas and put them in the bowl. I look up and I see Matt being a totally cutie with Luna. I grab Luna's food but before I get close to Matt I hear him whisper something to Luna.

"Your going to have cousin soon and daddy loves you." Whispered Matt.

"I love your soft spot Matt." I said while laughing.

"O-Oh, you heard that did you?" Questioned Matt.

I give him a nod while I get a sit. I get the food ready for Luna while Matt holds her. Luna grabs the spoon out my hand and she starts to feed herself. I laugh at how adorable Luna is when shes eating. Matt looks at the mess Luna has made and he takes her to the bathroom leaving me with my thoughts. I look around the room and see Bryan and Gunner at the door frame.

"Hey Sam, you seem to handle kids quite well." Said Bryan.

"I guess it's a skill?" I said while laughing.

Bryan takes a sit in the room while Gunner hands me something. I take a weird look at it but I had a feeling I knew what it was.

"You might want to get it checked." Whispered Gunner.

"Okay, be back in 5." I said nervously.

I make my way to the bathroom upstairs and see if anyone was in there but no one was. I lock the door behind me and I open the box. It can detect how long I've been pregnant for and the gender. After I did the test it showed that I was two and a half weeks into pregnancy and the gender is unknown so far. I put the test in the bathroom bin and I make my way back to the lounge room.

"I hope Sam's child isn't Mark's." Whispered Gunner.

"Same here man but if it is, will love it no matter what." Replied Bryan.

I walk in and see everyone in the room including Luna. Where's Joey in this? I take a seat next to Amanda and whisper

"How's my baby training?"

"Perfect score." Smiled Amanda.

I give Amanda a hug while the boys are talking. I let go and make my way to the ground where Luna is. I pick up Luna and start to tickle her. Her laugh fills the room up which makes everyone smile. I look up and see Matt and Amanda laughing while Bryan and Gunner are smiling. Having a child doesn't seem this hard? I put Luna down while I get back up. I take a seat next to Matt and I was about to tell him something when he said something first.

"We need to tell Joey." Whispered Matt.

"I was just about to tell you that." I said while smiling.

Were all having a good time but Joey is still gone. I get up to find Joey when he comes rushing into the room with a pissed off face. I grab Luna off the ground so Joey doesn't hurt her and we all look at Joey but that's when I noticed what was in his hand.

"I want to know the truth and now!" Yelled Joey.

Hope you enjoy this cute chapter with Luna in it. I have one thing to say CONGRATS! This book has hit over 1k and it's all thanks to you guys. Is Joey really angry or upset? Are they going to say the truth? Is the baby a girl or boy? Find out later on and that's it for now my little starz and I'll see you all in space.
Love you all :)


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