Drooling machine

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Joey ran off somewhere leaving me with pickles. That will be on social media later tonight.

I continue to wipe the pickle juice off my face and that's when I get a hand on the shoulder. I turn around and it's Bryan. I give him a small smile before continuing back to the pickles in my hair.

"You know Sam, Joey really loves you." Said Bryan.

"I know Bryan and I love him too." I smiled.

Bryan was about to say something but just left. What is going on here? I open the slide door and make my way to the showers. I decided to go to the ones upstairs because I wanted some peace and quiet. I knock on the door first and there's no answer. I lock the door behind me and head to the shower. I put my phone on the bathroom sink putting on some of my favourite music, (do any of you put music on while in the shower cause I do?) now to get this awful smell off of me. I take my clothes off and slowly enter the shower. I started to sing along with the songs but that's when my favourite song came on. 

"I'm waking up to ash and dust

I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust
I'm breathing in the chemicals

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Welcome to the new age, to the new age
Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive
Whoa, whoa, I'm radioactive, radioactive

I raise my flags, don my clothes
It's a revolution, I suppose
We're painted red to fit right in

I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse
Whoa"  I sang out.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I turn the shower off and quickly get a towel to cover myself up. I open the door and it's Joey. I hope he didn't he me sing. Joey looks at me up and down which started to make me go a deep red. 

"Uhm...I came up to see what you were doing but then I heard someone singing so I then followed it and I didn't know it was you." Whispered Joey.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed Joey's arm to get him to my height. I lean forward and give him a quick peck to the lips. Joey suddenly grabs my waist making me shocked but I realised that he wanted more than a kiss. Joey kisses me while still holding on to my waist firmly. We continue to deepen our kiss but I had to get dressed. I pull back which made Joey a bit upset.

"Sorry Joefish but I need to dressed, don't want other boys seeing me like this." I said with a smirk while spinning around.

"Of course not, now get dressed, dinner is being cooked." Smiled Joey.

I make my way to the room and I see Joey's clothes all over the ground. I pick up his clothes while making a 'tch' noise at how messes he is. After putting his clothes in the right spot, I grabbed some leggings and then one of Joey's shirts. After getting dressed, I hear my phone go off and it's the photo Joey took. I knew he would put that on Instagram. I look at the photo while giving it a like but the caption caught me by surprise. 

'My sweet little angel who will always be on my side.'

I looked through some of the comments and some said

'OMG Joey your girlfriends so cute' 'Make a video with her Joefish' 'Your so lucky Joey, happy for you two'

After looking through some more comments, Matt came up to check on me.

"Hey Samantha, ready for some dinner?" Questioned Matt.

"Yes and tomorrow I'm making breakfast." I said while rushing downstairs.

Matt and I were having a race to see who can get downstairs first but I won in a landslide. We got the table set up then we all started to get our seats. It was Joey, Bryan, Matt, Amanda and I. Gunner left early cause he was doing some acting. We got all the food on the table and it was homemade pizza. It looked so good that I even started to drool.

"Samantha's drooling ewww." Squealed Joey in a cute way. 

"Leave her alone Joey." Said Amanda.

*Time skip brought to you by Joey's dance moves*

Dinner was the best ever, I couldn't stop drooling over it. I cleaned up the plates helping Amanda out for making us dinner. I washed while she dried. We had almost finished the washing when I put my hand in the sink and got cut. I take my hand out and it started bleeding a lot. Fucking sharp knifes. Amanda hands me a cloth and while I'm cleaning it, Joey comes over towering over me to see if I'm okay.

"I'm fine Joey, it was just a knife." I said.

"It's not fine, your bleeding." Said Joey while kissing my hand.

"Joey can you find Matt for me?" Smiled Amanda.

"Sure." Said Joey while looking for Matt.

After cleaning my wound up and the dishes, I headed to the bathroom. I went in to see how bad my cut actually was but it wasn't bad. Maybe a 5/10 on how bad it was. I then remember the other cuts I've had on me. I lift my shirt up to see my back and stomach. Those disgusting words were still there.

'Mark's and Mark's forever and ever.'

My eyes started to get watery but I quickly wiped them away. I put my hand on my stomach while turning to one side. I was starting to develop a small lump where my child will be. I look down and smile.

"I'll always love you." I smiled.

"Your going to be a great mum angel." He whispered.

I look up and see Joey standing over me. I wrap my arms around Joey's chest while his were on my waist. I look up and I see Joey's wonderful blues eyes. Joey smiles down at me which started to make me giggle. Joey picks me up making me go in circles.

"JOEFISH!" I yelled out.

"Magic word." Laughed Joey.

"I love you jolly white giant." I giggled.

Joey puts me down while cupping my face. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the forehead. This one was so different, it felt like a loved one. I put my shirt back on and grab Joey's hand. Joey guides me to his room. I look at the time and it's 11pm. I go under the covers and I feel two strong arms snake around my waist. 

"You want to record a video with me tomorrow for my channel." Smiled Joey.

"What!?" Was all I could manage to say at that time.

(Hope you enjoy this sweet chapter and yes Samantha is a drooler. Is Joey going to have a video with Samantha? Are Samantha's horrible dreams finally ended? Is Gunner going to succeeded in acting? Find out later on,that's it for now my little starz and I'll see you all in space.
Love you all :)


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