Turning red

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"I always will you jolly white giant." I smiled.

As Samantha and Joey drifted off to sleep, something or someone was being taking to the police by Bryan and Gunner. That person was Mark. When Bryan and Gunner got to the police they left him at the front hoping someone would take him.

"Let's get going back." Said Gunner.

"Alright, let's hurry cause we have to get to Matt's house and turn his lounge room into a safe baby room." Smiled Bryan.

With that the guys left the police station just as Joey was waking Samantha up.

"Samantha, babe, get up we have a big day today." Cooed Joey.

I slowly started to wake up and that's when I found Joey's face in front of mine. I grabbed Joey's face and gave him a quick kiss. I look into his ocean eyes and smile. I look over at the clock but Joey pulls my face to his before I can see the time.

"Um...good morning Joey." I said while laughing.

"Ready for today with Team Edge, angel?" Laughed Joey.

I only just remembered that today was my baby training with Amanda plus being in a Team Edge video. I jump straight out of bed making Joey fall on the ground. I rush to his side to help him but he drags me down on top of him. Joey looks straight into my eyes while smiling. I think I know what he wants. I get a deep kiss from Joey and we continue to be like that for awhile when we stopped for air.

"You really know how to make a girl smile." I smiled.

"Of course my angel now, let's get going." Smiled Joey.

Joey helped me up and I started to feel sick. I ran to the bathroom toilet and I immediately threw up. Joey came to my side and rubbed my back. After being sick I felt a bit better but why was I sick? I grabbed my clothes and started to change into some mini-shorts and a tank top that was Joey's. I look for my phone while Joey was getting changed and I hear a ring go off. I get closer to the ring and it was Joey's and mine. Mine was from Matt and Joey's was from a private number. I'll call Matt later, I decided to answer Joey's phone but before I could, he took the phone out of my hand.

"J-Joey?" I questioned being a bit upset.

He didn't answer me so I decided to walk to Amanda and Matt's place. I was to angry and upset. Joey tried to stop me but I told him I'm fine. 20 minutes later I arrive at the house. I was about to knock when I hear yelling. I rush into the house and see Matt and Bryan shooting each other with Nerf guns. Why do I get so worried about these two?

"Samantha your here!" Yelled Matt excitedly.

"Why wouldn't I be, where's Amanda?" I said while laughing.

"Lounge room." Said Bryan while pointing to the lounge room.

I walk into the lounge room and it was covered with so many colours. I look around for Amanda and I see her in the kitchen on the phone.

"I can't tell you Joey, I'm sorry if that hurts your feeling but I can't till you finish your videos with Matt and Bryan. I have to go." Said Amanda just as I came in.

I walk up to Amanda and give her a tap on the shoulder. She turns around shocked but later relaxes. I laugh at how shocked she was when she said

"Ready for your training, we have a big day."

"Sure, what do you want me to do first?" I questioned.

Amanda takes my hand and guides me to the garage where the boys are. I look around for Joey but he must be busy at home. Suddenly I feel two strong arms around my waist. I look up and it's Joey. He must of just arrived 5 minutes ago?

"How's my angel going, feeling any better?" Smiled Joey.

"I'm much better now, thanks for asking jolly white giant." I said while laughing.

Joey suddenly picks me and puts me on his back. I hold on tight to Joey's shoulders while his running off somewhere. He keeps running until he lays me on the ground in the backyard. I look up into Joey's lovely blue eyes and as always, he does that goofy smile of his. Joey lays next me while interweaving his hand with mine. I lay my head on Joey's chest listening to his heartbeat when Amanda and Matt come over. I look up and see them two whispering. I decided to get up but Joey had a tight grip on my waist.

"Come on Joey, we can cuddle later on." I said while smiling.

"Okay angel but I have something for you." Smirked Joey.

"What's th-" I whispered before I got cut off.

I get a kiss on the lips from Joey and while were kissing I hear Amanda and Matt yell out

"Come on you two, we have work to do!"

Joey and I look up then back at each. I noticed that Joey and I were a deep red in the face. Seeing Joey blush was so cute, he looks like a five year old. I get up and give Joey my hand to help him. After Joey and I get up, we head inside to start the big day. We go our separate ways and that's when Bryan took me back outside.

"Bryan, what are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm just here to tell you that Mark is gone to the police and are you feeling better." Said Bryan.

"He's actually gone and I'm feeling better, thanks for asking." I smiled while hugging Bryan.

I let go of Bryan and start looking for Amanda and Luna. I make my way to the lounge room and I see Amanda holding Luna while getting her toys. I can't wait to have my own child. I go and sit next to Amanda while Luna's playing with her toys. I look at Luna then back at Amanda. She seems to notice that I was about to cry because she pulled me into a hug. 

"Your going to do fine Sam, trust me." Whispered Amanda while hugging me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the late update,I had something or someone stop me from writing but I'm back yeah. How's baby day going to be? What is Amanda hiding? Why is Luna sooo cute? Find out later on and that's it for now my little starz and I'll see you all in space.
Love you all :)


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