The hospital

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"Your one tough angel from above." Said Joey.

I was about to say something when suddenly I pass out from blood-loss. The last thing I remember is Joey catching me in mid-air. All I see is black and I can't hear anything until I hear that same voice from before.


"Samantha, Samantha, can you hear me?" Questioned the voice.

 "Y-Yes I can hear you." I answered.

I look around to try and see the person but I still see black. The voice speaks again.

"Stay alive for your family Samantha." Whispered the voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked out.

I felt two arms on my shoulder and I turn around. I couldn't believe it. I thought she died from a car-crash when I was just a kid. I hug the person while crying into their shoulder. They wrap their arms around me and said

"I'm so happy to see you after all these years, look how much you've grown."  

"I-It's good to see you again mum." I said while crying.

I let go of my mum and I look at her remembering the childhood memorises I had with her. I just wish she didn't get in that car-crash.

"Samantha, you know your boyfriend Joey?" Questioned my mum.

"Yes why?" I replied back.

"Well right now, he's at your bedside in a hospital holding your hand hoping for you to wake up." My mum said slowly.

"W-What?" Was all I could say with tears in my eyes.

My mum looks down then back at me. I can see she has tears in her eyes so I hug her. She let's go and sighs.

"When you passed out, Joey took you straight to the hospital with Amanda and while the doctors were fixing you up. Bryan noticed a small lump on your stomach so he asked the doctor's if that was anything bad. The doctor looks at the lump and tells Bryan in private that your pregnant. Joey doesn't know yet only Matt and Bryan" Said my mum slowly.

I was shocked at those words. I'm actually pregnant to Joey! I start to cry all of a sudden and I don't know why. My mum pulls me into a tight hug and I hug her back.

"That's great but it might not go to plan." I whispered.

"What do you mean Samantha?" Said my mum.

I look at her and I reply with 

"Mark did it with me too and I'm worried if the baby's his or Joey's."

My mum looks upset but then starts to worry about something. I take my mum's hand but that's when she said her last words to me.

"Your waking up, take great care and stay strong for mummy, please." My mum said before she faded away.

*End of blackout*

I sprang up from my sleep when I feel a sharp pain. I look down on my body and I see wires in my arms, stitched up cuts, bruises and something holding my hand. I look at the hand and I see Joey asleep still having a tight grip on my hand. I poke Joey in the arm but that doesn't move him. I lean down and give Joey a sweet kiss on the cheek and that's when he immediately wakes up. Joey looks everywhere wandering where he got that kiss from when he looks at me. I giggle at his actions and I simply just smile at him.

"Your okay Samantha, I thought I lose you." Whispered Joey.

"I'm a tough angel from above, remember." I smirked.

Joey gets out of the chair and sits on the bed next to me. I wrap my arms around his chest while his is on my waist. We stay in that spot for what was like forever until Amanda comes over. She let's out a high squeal which could make you deaf if you were close enough. She grabs something out of her pocket and she takes a picture. I'll get her back. She walks over to me and Joey and says

"Thank god your okay Samantha, do you know how long you've blackout for?"

I look at Joey then back at Amanda.

"How long?" I reply with a smirk. 

"About two hours." Smiled Joey.

I slowly get up at of the hospital bed but Joey holds me down. I look up at Joey and I gave him one of his stupid smiles. Joey starts laughing at what I did and Amanda comes over to give me a hug. I hug her back but before our hug breaks, she whispers into my ear.

"Were doing clothes shopping for your new baby."

After that Amanda leaves with a smile just as Matt and Bryan come in. They hurry to my side and I feel Joey's grip really tight around my waist. I still think Joey hates his brothers. Matt gives me one of his welcoming hugs like he always does while Bryan is waiting to give me something. Matt stops hugging me and he takes my hands. Joey gets out of bed and heads over to the bathroom.

"Thank you so much for saving Amanda Samantha, it means so much to me." Said Matt.

"It's okay Matt your my friend and Amanda's like a sister to me and I have one question, for the both of you." I smiled.

"Samantha, I'm going to give this to you now before Joey comes back okay?" Questioned Bryan while giving me the thing.

I look at it then back at Bryan but he disappeared. Matt's still here with me and I start to open the box up. Matt looks just as scared as I am. When I open it I look in the box and all I see are pregnancy test and small clothes. Matt looks at the box then back at me.

"I was going to tell you when you woke up." Sighed Matt.

"It's okay Matt, it really is but should we let Joey know about this?" I questioned.

Matt nods a 'no' and I stay quiet. I gave Matt the box so he can hide it from Joey and just as he finished hiding it, Joey comes into the room. I look up at Joey and he decides to flex his muscles at me. I laughed at what he did and when Matt turned around he started laughing too. Joey gave Matt a big hug from behind while saying

"Forgive me bro."

"I-I already do." Smiled Matt.

The brothers are together again which is good. After they finished their hug Matt leaves me and Joey. Joey comes up and gives me a super, cuddly hug which could make me fall asleep. I look up at Joey and I lean forward to give him a kiss. He jumps on the bed and drags me to his lap. I lean on Joey's chest and I look into his blue eyes. Joey cups my face with his hands and he leans down to give me a kiss. Joey kisses me full of passion and I bite his lips for an entrance and he accepts. We were in a full make-out session but that's when I hear a flash go off and Joey quickly turns around to see who it was and it was Matt! Matt runs off with a photo of us kissing and all that Joey could say at that time was

"I don't care as long as your here."

Hope you liked this emotionally chapter and more is on the way. Is Samantha's new baby going to be Mark's or Joey. Is Joey going to find out? How long is Amanda going to take Samantha shopping for? Find out later on and that's it for now my little starz and I'll see you all in space.
Love you all. :)


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