Chapter sixteen

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"Mail!" Adelaide happily shouted to Tom.

Adelaide had been waiting for her results all summer. Adelaide was nervous and excited about receiving her results since she never did know if she had done well or not. Tom, on the other hand, already knew he had passed them all and simply wasn't bothered at all.

Tom smirked smugly to himself when he got outstanding on everything, which didn't surprise Adelaide at all.

Adelaide bit her lip before opening the neat envelope.

Transfiguration - O
Charms - O
Potions - O
History of Magic - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
Astronomy - O
Herbology - A
Divination - E
Arithmancy - A
Study of Ancient Runes - O

Adelaide grinned at her results and shoved it in Tom's hands.
"I told you I'd pass potions!" She boasted proudly.
He smiled slightly as he read through her results.

"You got an A in herbology." He pointed out.
"Yeah but the plants freak me out so I don't care." Adelaide shrugged. "At least I got an E in defence against the darks arts."
"Yes. That's quite surprising, considering you always copy of my work." Tom said in a matter of factly tone.
Adelaide grinned and shrugged at him.
"I am proud of my results." Adelaide told him.


The summer ended all to quickly for Adelaide. She enjoyed having Tom all to herself and not having to worry about school and other things. Adelaide loved Hogwarts, it was her home and she was still happy to return. But she was worrying about preparing for NEWT's. She didn't know why she was worried because she had her life plan after Hogwarts sorted out. She would be with Tom. That's all that mattered to her, she could be homeless and starving but as long as she had him, everything would be perfect.

Adelaide and Tom entered their usual carriage on the train.
She sighed before leaning against the window and stretching her legs across the seats.
Tom sat directly across her and got out a book to read.
"Seriously Tom?" Adelaide asked. "You're going to sit there and read the whole time? Talk to me." She said.
Tom closed his book and set it aside.

"What do you want to talk about, Adelaide?" Tom asked.
She smiled and thought for a few seconds, before coming up with nothing. She hated that, when one minute you have hundreds of things you want to say all at once and then suddenly 'poof', they're gone.

"I'm not sure." She murmured.
"Oh well." Tom shrugged and picked up his book.
Adelaide glared at him before staring out the window.
She stared at Tom.
Oh, how she wanted to punch and kiss him at the same time. He infuriated her, but at the same time he made her feel thing nobody else could or ever would.

Adelaide had never thought of what her life would be like if she had chosen to sit in another carriage that day. Would she be friends with Tom? Of course not. she would be just another one of those girls with a crush on him. She would occasionally speak with him, but their conversation would consist of her flirting and blushing whilst he charms me with feigned politeness and thinks about how much he wants her to just go away.
It's crazy how that once decision brought her to today, the only person who Tom has ever shown any interest in. The only person who became friends with Tom before becoming something more.
Adelaide loved her life and she loved Tom. Nothing could ever go wrong.

She broke out of her thoughts before standing up and sitting next to him. He looked away from his books and glanced at her.
"What?" He asked with a slightly confused expression.
"Nothing." Adelaide smiled and kissed him.

"Have you ever thought about what would of happened if we never met on the train?" Adelaide asked him causing Tom to frown.
"No I haven't." Tom bluntly answered.
Adelaide chose to ignore his tone and continued to asked more questions.
"We wouldn't even be friends and I wouldn't know anything about you. I would just assume that you are the handsome, polite prefect." Adelaide said.
"Yes, but that didn't happen did it." Tom pointed out. "We did meet on the train. We became friends. And now we are here talking about stupid and pointless 'what ifs.'"

Adelaide rolled her eyes at his anger.
"You need to calm down." She ordered.
"I am perfectly calm, Adelaide." Tom assured her.
Adelaide hummed in response and leaned her head against his shoulder. "Just shut up and read your book. I'm going to sleep."
It was Tom's turn to roll his eyes at Adelaide. But nevertheless he done as she said.

I love him ~~ Tom Riddle Where stories live. Discover now